Thursday, August 11, 2011

Health 8-11-2011

Yesterday was not wonderful. Had to go out and activate the new cellphone, which is annoying in itself. But the real problem was how badly I was shaking. We picked up cheap sandwiches and drinks at Kwik Trip and I could barely hold on to them.

My hands always shake to some degree, but this included the arms as well. Later I overheated while we were sorting family photos to finally put into albums after decades of neglect. Today isn’t as bad, but I am very spacey.

Having to drive five miles to get a password text message to create an online account didn’t help things. That became a race against the secure page expiring on the PC at home. At least that race was won.

Crossword puzzle was easy, Audiosurf very mixed as I faded out quickly – no endurance.

Not a good sign for the trip up to the Cities tomorrow and the bus trip to Ames, Iowa the next day. Only dread one day at a time, like my mother taught me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

It has been a very nice improvement going to 7.7M down on the DSL service. No longer do I have to check if my father is online and streaming something when I want to myself. Downloading walkaround pictures of aircraft doesn’t consume vast amounts of time. Best of all, I can click on news videos without worrying about buffering.

In a similar vein, high speed access is coming to many church meetinghouses too. I like the fact that you’ll log in using your LDS account and there will be extensive filtering which is a very good thing. Nice to see a wiki up on the Internet too, this page on filtering should be bookmarked by every Latter-day Saint household. From personal experience, I heavily recommend using OpenDNS to filter things at the router level.

Our meetinghouse already has high speed Internet, but protected access only. This should be a great help to Sunday school teachers, though I hope the temptation to use media too much is avoided. Nothing beats real discourse.

Across the river, the GOP in Wisconsin held the state senate, only losing two seats in the recall efforts. But those could be regained elswhere in next weeks recalls against Democrats. This is all very silly – recalls should be for serious malfeasance only.

Locally, Kapanke was toast due to his screwing up and being corrupt in transferring campaign funds to a business he owned. Doing that once is bad enough, but being caught doing it again is sheer stupidity in an age of quick news dissemination.

Just got a call from a FedEx driver, my Verizon pay as you go cellphone will be here this morning. After multiple difficulties with TracPhone, I gave up on them and have been without a mobile phone this year. One has to love being able to order a cellphone online and have it delivered to your house that has no reception. The irony is splendid.

Of course Verizon’s union workers went on strike as soon as I ordered the thing. I wonder which company I should cause trouble for next…

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Health 8-9-2011

My dislike of talking about my health has translated to procrastinating in posting about it here. This is actually about problems on the 6th and 7th.

Saturday wasn’t wonderful, but I made it into the city for a gaming session. By the end of it I was in more pain than usual and got home late. Sleep did not come easily with an excruciating flare up of the abdominal pain I’ve been experiencing.

Sunday wasn’t just an endurance run, but a torture run. By the third hour of church I was in considerable pain again and missed the baptism afterwards because I knew I was fading fast. The drive home was miserable and I went to bed soon after arriving.

Eventually things improved and I have to wonder if the elderly hot dogs I ate on Saturday were the cause of the severe distress. I still am dealing with twinges but they are not nearly as bad as during the weekend. With things up in the air for the week, I’m not considering going to the doctor until next week. If I do, that is.

I keep hoping this will pass.


Forgot to write that I’ve been sneezing and dopey since Sunday night. Might be a bug involved since it affected more than the sinuses. Not a great week so far.

Bleach Episode 5: Beat the Invisible Enemy!

Mix a possessed parakeet and ridiculous feats of strength with a vicious monster and you should get your standard fun action episode, right?  But this spotlight on Chad and Rukia turns into something a little more poignant before it ends.

Bleach1 Main TitleBleach5 Title

After a quick recap that condenses Rukia’s fight with the Hollow…

I should warn that Bleach suffers from recaps at the beginning of most episodes and eventually became notorious for eating up minutes of time on them. At this point in the series it isn’t a big problem, but be warned. Fortunately, DVD players have fast forward buttons!

Bleach5 Rukia vs HollowBleach5 Chad Punches Hollow

Err, back to the episode itself. Rukia is still fighting the Hollow pursuing the parakeet that houses the soul of a little boy, Shibata. Hoping that her Soul Reaper powers have recovered enough turns out to be a mistake. Luckily for her, Ichigo’s overgrown friend, Chad, is around to punch the monster out. Unluckily, he can’t see or hear the Hollow and is punching air more than anything solid.

Meanwhile, Ichigo is racing back to the scene after taking his sister Karin back home. He’s deeply rattled by her crying over the parakeet because she hasn’t done that since their mother died. It is clear the wounds from that death are still very deep. The focus on the Kurosaki family lends surprising depth to what should be just a hack and slash fighting cartoon.

Bleach5 Chad Telephone PoleBleach5 Chad Throws Rukia

Last episode, Chad showed superhuman strength and an ability to take insane damage when a steel girder fell on him. That was no fluke as he rips out a telephone pole to swat the now flying Hollow!  Just what is he?

The Hollow is just as surprised, exclaiming, “T-this is crazy!” It is an amusing moment in a fight that is darkly comedic before turning very dark indeed.

Moments later, we see a nod to the X-Men as Chad stands in for Colossus throwing a “fastball special” with Rukia subbing for Wolverine. I don’t know if this was a deliberate homage, but it is suspicious given some comments in an upcoming episode.

Bleach5 Rukia's GloveBleach5 Ichigo Demands Answers

The heroes don’t fare too well and it takes Ichigo to save the day which is pretty much standard anime fare. The substitute Soul Reaper is acting oddly though. Instead of killing the sadistic Hollow, he angrily interrogates him at sword point demanding to know if he killed the boy’s mother.

Bleach5 Serial KillerBleach5 A Mother's Death

The answers given take Bleach into much darker territory than it has explored previously. It also raises questions about the afterlife in this fictional universe and Ichigo shows signs of being a much more complicated young man than we thought. Both brutality and compassion follow, leading to another bittersweet ending.


Watching these older episodes has caused me to notice how young the characters look. Three hundred plus episodes later they look older, which isn’t a bad thing at all. It gives a sense that time does pass and in real life I can’t believe how fast kids grow, especially the teenagers.

One thing Kubo Tite, the creator of Bleach, doesn’t get credit for is how well he weaves themes through the story arcs. While he’s on record saying he makes it all up as he goes, I’m beginning to think he’s dissembling. Too many plot developments have hints or setups dropped in that don’t pay off until much farther down the road.

A strong sense of justice and compassion pervades these early episodes. The characters all have very human moments amidst all the violence and comedy. Consequently, I found myself expecting character development to come whenever a new one popped up.

The theme of Ichigo being good with kids and a natural big brother to them is reinforced in this episode.


Since this is the first episode on Disc 2 of the first box set, I’ll go into the differences from the first disc. Other than the episodes and title screen, there aren’t any. Even the extras are the same.

The English dub is even more annoying compared to the subtitled Japanese than I’d realized. Chibata, the parakeet, suffers the most from the change in voice actors. I’m also noticing the dialogue changes are bigger than I’d like.

While I’d hoped to be able to review two episodes at a time, it isn’t working out due to how elements of the plot are carried over week to week. Back to one episode at a time.





Bleach5 Ichigo Busts TeethBleach5 Gate to the Underworld

Ichigo’s reaction to finding out that the Hollow was the murderer of the little boy’s mother is more than normal outrage. He’s as sadistic in brutalizing the monster as the former serial killer was to his victims. Knowing what happens in the next few episodes, this parakeet two-parter was really about Ichigo and his family. A lot of clues are being dropped about the tragedy that shaped the teen.

Previously, we’d been shown that Hollows aren’t necessarily truly evil and that slicing their mask will purify them so they can go to Soul Society. Here we find out that isn’t the case for those who were evil in mortality. They are taken violently and painfully through the Gates to the Underworld, or Hell. This idea won’t be revisited until the fourth Bleach movie.

Bleach5 Shibata the Parakeet's SoulBleach5 Butterfly Moon

Chibata’s departure to Soul Society is a touching scene, with him behaving like a little child would. Both Chad and Ichigo score big brother points in handling the traumatized boy. Each makes a promise to him that helps him move on, but Ichigo’s is unknowingly a lie. We’ll see Chibata again.

Turn of a Friendly Card

Gambling is alluring to most people and has gotten more popular than ever with high stakes poker shows on cable television and casinos sprouting up all over the place. But the biggest mecca for gambling isn’t Los Vegas. It is Wall Street.

Watching the markets claw their way to positive gains today, I’m struck by how addictive behaviors make their presence felt in even what should be the most sober of locations. There is no good economic news and only vague hopes of another stimulus or some such reassurance from the Fed. Speculation has lost what rationality it had at some point in the past and I’ll leave that to someone to pinpoint.

It eerily reminds me of partying before a disaster hits. Or in this case, during the opening stages of one.

Ah, well. One can’t live life without taking a few chances. I’ve made a few gambles in life that didn’t pay off, though for the most part they weren’t financial ones. My latest to go awry is an attempt to make my pistol accurate.

The Ruger P94 I have had since the late 90’s has never been accurate. At best, I could throw bullets with the same results. But through trial and much error, the problem has been narrowed down to sights that hit at least 6 inches too low.

I’d hoped adding Hogue grips would help. Today I finally got to test the modified pistol out with them. They did help in the horizontal, oddly. But the sights are still horrible. Even making a triangle with the dots only elevated shots to three inches low. Lining up the dots is supposed to be dead on at 7 yards but doing that took me completely off the paper 7 out of 10 shots.

Now I’m debating selling or trading in the gun and getting a different used pistol. With my friend’s Springfield XDM, I wasn’t just on paper on the first try but shot a nice fist sized group about two inches low. So my trigger technique does need work but it isn’t 6” plus bad.

I also broke the plastic head of my small crafting hammer while trying to remove the rear sights during an experiment to see if I could change them out myself. Insult to injury or injury to insult?

So $20 down the drain on the grips. It would be another $130 to get new adjustable sights and pay a gunsmith to put them on. I’m not enthused.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Things Fall Apart

One inescapable reality is that all things break down at some point. Some can be repaired, some can be replaced, some are lost forever, but this is what happens in life.

Yesterday our internet access went down and so did one phone line as we discovered this morning. Good thing we called in since it turned out to be a cabinet problem that affected others too. But repairs took awhile and service wasn’t restored until after 2PM. For which I’m grateful.

Timing wasn’t great since I had been hoping to see how world stock markets reacted to Friday’s downgrade of the U.S.A. by Standard & Poors. Not surprisingly, they didn’t take it well and the Dow Jones was down by over 500 at one point. As I type, a minor rally failed at it is down 500 again which is a loss of 4.4%. Nasdaq and the S&P 500 are being hit harder, both down more than 5%.

People can point politically motivated fingers all they want, but this is debt driven and can’t be fixed. An ineffectual, incompetent, and detached president doesn’t help, but this is the result of decades of financial folly. It can’t be easily fixed. Most likely it can’t be fixed and we’ll have to take our lumps

Such is life and the current generations have had it easy to this point. Many of our ancestors would shake their heads at our mistakes, but most of all at how spoiled we are. Time to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and stop looking to others to solve our problems.

Sad thing is we no longer have true leaders to get us out of this mess.


Mere moments after posting this, the Dow dived to a 632 point loss or 5.53% down.

Updated Again

London is burning. “Youths” are doing their best to destroy everything they can and beat as many people they can lay hands on. The citizens are defenseless against this and I can’t think of a better argument in favor of the 2nd Amendment.

It isn’t just finances that are falling apart in the world. Order is beginning to as well.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Dust in the Wind

Or more accurately, crop dusting on a hazy Saturday morning.

Crop Duster 1

It was surprising to hear an airplane buzzing the house at very low level this morn. Normally, only the rare C-130 will buzz the place about once a year or so and the local light planes keep higher. So I went outside to check out what the racket was about and was very surprised to see a bright yellow crop dusting plane circling round.

Crop Duster closeup

An opportunity for photos, I thought! I rushed back into the house and grabbed the Canon S1IS that is for general use and ran out. Change batteries it said. No spare batteries charged at the moment, of course.

cropduster2Crop Duster Sprays

Back in I went and got the big Canon DSLR. Being in a hurry, I didn’t bother to put the big telephoto lens on it. Switched to sport mode as I’m beyond rusty and took a few shots. Results weren’t what I wanted and I knew I had to risk the plane departing to get the 55-250mm lens.

Fortunately for me, more passes were made and I got some better shots.

Crop Duster Spray Bars 2

The spray bars which dispense the chemicals dropped are one of the most intriguing features on these specialty planes.

Crop Duster Spray Bars 3

I assume the thick wings hold the chemical tanks, but can’t say for sure.

Crop Duster Profile

The profile reminds me of early racing planes, but with a much higher canopy. That’s needed for winding your way through the weeds.

Crop Duster DivesCrop Duster PassCrop Duster Spraying FieldCrop Duster Under the Trees

Amazing how low they fly to spray.

Crop Duster Spray BarsCrop Duster bottom

Well that was fun. I never did get to an airshow after getting a decent camera and telephoto lens, so at least I know they work!