
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kim Jong Il Has Died

The oppressive dictator of North Korea has escaped mortal justice and now the jockeying for power in the communist country begins in earnest. It is not surprising to see the markets in Asia going down out of fears of instability. One can only pray this offers a flicker of hope for the North Korean people.

It is difficult not to contrast his “accomplishments” in contrast to those of another leader who just died, Vaclav Havel. One died while clinging to power by starving his own people and the other died after having helped usher his country into democracy. If only there could be a Velvet Revolution on the Korean Peninsula, but I am afraid that is highly unlikely.


  1. Well, I just marked off another evil tyrant from my sheet. I really should have made a shirt depicting Hussein, Kim Jong Il, Qaddafi, Usama, Chavez, and any others I could think of, with "Collect 'e All!" across the top, and then crossed them off in red as they died.
    It may not be too late...

  2. Looking at the way things are going in Russia, Putin might be next. While he is not quite the despot the others are, the people are rising up against him.

    Oh and you missed Assad in Syria!


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