
Monday, December 19, 2011

Just Say No to Monday!

At least that was my reaction to today. After having a good week, it figures something bad was coming. The car that finally got its brakes fixed in time for me to go to church on Sunday is now out of commission. My father hit a deer and crumpled the front end again and the shattered the left side headlights. There is simply no winning right now.

I’ll post photos tomorrow after I take them. For some reason I am feeling motivated to get a 12 gauge shotgun for next deer season…

I had plans made for the week that are all now impossible, so it is time to be a shut in again. Loss of transportation equals loss of life to poor rural folks and is something hard to explain if you aren’t experiencing it yourself.

Now I don’t have any excuse for not posting, drat it.

So one giant monster movie review is coming. The monster is giant, not the review. After that, I should do something for Christmas, shouldn’t I?

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