
Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Already?

This week has zoomed by. Perhaps that has been a penalty for things going better. We humans have a tendency to remember and dwell on the negative more than the positive, so time appears to fly when things go well.

Late last night I updated the Summer Wars review. While changing it to include the Blu-ray version, I found way too many errors that slipped past me when I originally posted it.  Very annoying, especially the misspellings of names. Repeat viewings of the movie only make me fonder of it and have now led me to buy a deck of hanafuda cards off of eBay today.

An attempt to get a microphone working with my Asus Xonar D1 audio card failed miserably. The best I could get out of it was static humming through the subwoofer no matter what I did. It is the one flaw of the card that if you do not have a front panel hooked up to it you have to use the SPDIF/Line In/Microphone jack in back. Way too many functions assigned to the hybrid 3.5mm and optical jack.  So it looks like a USB microphone is a must buy.

On a brighter note, I have found obsolete CPU’s for my living room multimedia center have gone down in price online. It will be possible to put a faster processor in there after all. No hurry though, it will be awhile before there is a HDTV to hook up to it.

The brakes have finally been replaced on the car with only a concern about brake line pressure. It is a minor thing that can be rectified if it doesn’t resolve on its own. It will be nice to have some freedom to get about again.

It still amuses me that Bleach and Citizen Kane are the two most heavily trafficked posts on the blog. Quite a contrast, eh? I blame the two animated gifs that became Internet memes.

Feeling the tired beyond my normal tired today. That means watching some giant Japanese monsters beat on each other is in order.

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