Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Legend of Hell House (1973) Review

In the history of cinema haunted house movies are a dime a dozen, but this one stands out due to its sober tone and character development. While written by an American, it maintains a very stiff upper lip while following a four person research team looking into the possibility of life after death. To do that, they must visit a mansion that killed most of a previous attempt twenty years before. Welcome to Hell House, where death, mystery, and eerie events take back seat to something far more frightening – sex.

The Legend of Hell House Title

The 1970s were a period of transition in films with a lot of experimentation taking place. In some ways, the decade in filmmaking was a hangover from the changes that took place in the late ‘60s. That was when the old studio model fell apart and directors began to push the bounds of what had been considered acceptable in the name of art. Horror films were not immune to this and the genre started to go toward shock and gore, but not quite to the extremes that culminated in the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies of the ‘80s. So there was yet room for thoughtfully creepy movies and The Legend of Hell House is one of the better examples of that approach.

I have to say, haunted house movies are near the bottom of my list of films to watch. They have never appealed to me, perhaps because I have lived in old farm houses most of my life. Odd sounds and creaks are part of the personality of aged wooden structures, so you get very used to them. So it was with some surprise that this movie gave me the creeps when I was a teenager. In fact, it is the only one that ever has since I hit double digits in age. Puzzled by this and feeling nostalgic, I purchased the DVD last month to figure out why.

The Legend of Hell House Tom Corbett Quote

The opening is a throwback to bygone years, featuring a statement by a Tom Corbett claiming to be a psychic consultant to royals in Europe. A little research revealed that he was a co-author of a book called The Dreamer’s Dictionary, so he really existed. It helps to remember that the 1970s pop culture saw the birth of the New Age movement as people turned away from organized religion and naval gazing began to dominate Western thought.

So this little placard instantly added bona fides to the movie and was a clever move by the filmmakers to set the mood. Cold and stark, it suggests what you were about to see might be real. Back in the early days of the Web, I found info that it was based on a real incident and there really was a “Hell House.” Of course that was not true and you shouldn’t trust what you read on the Internet, but it is a fact that it was adapted from a Richard Matheson novel by that name.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Big Trouble in Gangnam Style

Too perfect and it even has James Hong in it!

A Night of Silliness or RiffTrax Live: Birdemic

After trying to get friends to go for a couple of months, I ended up going alone to see the RiffTrax crew ridicule the second worst movie I’ve ever seen. The showing was broadcast live to theaters around the country and luckily enough, the Marcus Cinema on Ward Ave in La Crosse had it.

There had to be over thirty and closer to fifty people attending, though I did not do a head count. We were in the theater dedicated to Frankenweenie showings, so you can make your own jokes there. Amusing bird references and jokes were shown on screen before the show, like the incredibly boring trivia and ads you normally see before the trailers.

Mike, Kevin, and Bill were in fine form and the occasional flub only made it more fun. The movie was amazingly bad and deserved every awful thing done to it. It was indescribably bad, but let me just say that I will never look at parking and pulling out into traffic scenes the same way again. Also, if the filmmakers and stars are representative of the green movement, they will Darwin themselves out in no time flat.

Hopefully they will put this out on DVD like some of their other live shows, it would make a great memento.

The Media Used to Love Presidential Scandals

Until Obama was elected, that is. One of the uglier cover ups in U.S. history has been playing out since September 11 of this year. The 9/11 anniversary attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya gets more upsetting with every new bit of information that comes out. Ostensibly caused by an anti-Muhammad film on YouTube, that story has been torn to shreds and now looks like it was put in place to protect the failure of the administration to protect our ambassador.

But it is worse than that, we now know. The attack was known to be a terrorist attack and we had special forces who could have intervened and saved Ambassador Stevens. They were ordered to stand down even when they had the enemy in their sights. Repeated requests for support and help were turned down.

In the past, this would be enough for the mainstream media to raise hell until heads rolled. Now they are actively participating in the cover up, with Candy Crowley in the second presidential debate being a prime example.

We have a government that can’t be trusted. We also have a news media that can’t be trusted. That’s a bleak place to be in and doesn’t bode well for the country.

Yet what sticks in my head is the realization that this administration has no desire to protect its citizens or soldiers. Assassination lists are fine with them, but actually protecting the people? I thought they could at least be relied on for that. Sadly, I don’t think they care one whit and only care about their political careers.

This should be bigger than Watergate, bigger than Iran-Contra, and bigger than Monica Lewinsky. I guess American lives don’t have any value anymore.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Health 10-25-2012

What has been a lousy year in regards to health continues to stay the course with today’s dental exam revealing multiple cavities needing filling and a molar requiring extraction. The latter will be a pain to have done due to how few oral surgeons accept the coverage I have. A call to a hotline is necessary and if they can’t set me up, it will have to be out of pocket somewhere. The fillings are scheduled to begin next week and I plan on getting those done first.

Somewhere in the mess a filling went missing too. The drought has caused more allergy problems according to the hygienist which has caused more problems for those of us who are mouth breathers. Oh the joys of a deviated septum!

I have been running ragged of late due to more activity than usual and higher pain levels thanks to erratic weather conditions. The rain has been needed, but it has come in with cold temperatures to create a high pain index situation. Which is all a fancy way to say the joints hurt.

Aside from all this fun, things have been relatively stress free to my surprise. Normally this is a tense time during an election year, but it simply isn’t there. Very strange, if you ask me.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Donald Trump Is a Moron

And he should marry Gloria Allred to set up the most over publicized divorce in history.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Third and Last 2012 Presidential Debate

Foreign policy is the subject of the last and probably least watched debate. On the anecdotal side, multiple people I know will not be watching this one who did watch the preceding debates. Make of that what you will.

Both candidates seemed a bit off at the very beginning. Lots of verbal stumbling and stuttering going on shows how the debates have worn them down.

President Obama was a jerk early and made things personal during the Libya question. Hitting Romney on saying Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat was predictable. Mitt was prepared for that and gave a very strong response. Obama said “clear” which is always a telltale he is about to fib big time. Seriously, he always does that.

It looks like his gambit will be to try to put words in Romney’s mouth, just like the previous debates and entire campaign. It must gall him that Mitt stands up for himself.