Thursday, October 15, 2009
Stargate Universe: Air - Part 3
It is now confirmed, I despise all the characters. They aren't just an unlikeable lot, they match the quote from Col. Young, being "The wrong people in the wrong place." It isn't good when you are rooting for the team to fail in repairing the air scrubbers. This is despite finally having a somewhat traditional Stargate mission on a strange planet. Once again, the parts that were supposed to evoke emotion fell very flat and the deaths had no impact.
The shaky cam was still there, with the over dramatic cuts during overly serious conversations seemed very 1990's to me. Going back to Col. Young scene on Earth, via Ancient communication stones, I suffered an NYPD Blue flashback and half expected David Caruso to walk in the office to ask Young, "Are you okay?" Yes, they managed to even make a scene with O'Neil boring. Likewise, the scene with Chloe visiting her mother lacked any kind of drama. That wasn't the worst of the episode though.
In dubbing the show BattleStarGatica, I turned out to be more on the mark than expected. Yes, we had a 'head cylon' moment presented in the form of a hallucination that might not have been a hallucination. Thankfully, it wasn't a 'head cylon' sex scene, though Lt. Scott has been confirmed as a hopeless horndog with Roman Catholic guilt. Other viewers will find out it this becomes a reoccurring part of the show, I won't.
This was strike three without the batter even swinging at the pitch. Sadly, it is getting good ratings, so I don't see the show runners having to change it. As an owner of all but the Stargate animated show, this feels like a funeral as I bury a franchise I really enjoyed.
Stargate: Universe can be found at Hulu for online viewing.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Dollar IS Dying
Let's start with the New York Post article Dollar Loses Reserve Status to Yen & Euro. In it, we learn that 63% of money being put into reserves by banks went to the Japanese Yen and the E.U. Euro in the last three months. Traditionally, around 66% would be put in the dollar, but only 37% was. Over at Bloomberg, they report the same while pointing out that world leaders are following through on their threats to diversify. Apparently, they don't approve of how U.S. economic woes are being handled by the new administration.
In another article at Bloomberg, they report that the dollar is down 10% against other currencies in the eight plus months Treasury Secretary Geithner has been in charge. In fact, they go so far as to call it the Obama Dollar. At this point, the current mess is now owned by the Obama Administration so I think the honeymoon is over. Meanwhile, the Pound Sterling is having problems as well, based on the fear that inflation is decreasing in the United Kingdom.
It looks like the shift from the Anglo currencies has finally begun, as the economies of the United States and Great Britain have lost the confidence of foreign investors. Interestingly enough, these are the two countries that enacted the biggest stimulus packages during the current economic downturn. I don't think this is a coincidence.
Runaway hyper inflation is around the corner, what with oil going up and consumers unable to spend more due to being tapped out on credit,with many losing jobs and giving up on full employment. I don't blame other countries bailing out on the dollar, as it is a race to get any kind of value back from what they sank into our treasury bonds before they become worthless. Talk of another stimulus will just continue the flight from the dollar and I think our political elites in both parties have failed the country and the world completely in how they've handled things.
It took a world war to bring the country out of the Great Depression. I hope that won't be required this time.
Friday, October 09, 2009
The World Is Insane: Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize
When I read the headline, I thought it was a joke but wasn't surprised when it turned out to be true. Things have spun so far out of control worldwide that very little is surprising these days. Too many people have run from reality and truth for too long, this kind of madness has to be expected.
I'm not sure what can be done to combat it. Perhaps we need to make sure the following books are in every high school curriculum: Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and finally The Prince and Discourses by Nico Machiavelli. Two movies could be added to the mix, Being There and The Music Man. That way we can combat some of the style over substance in politics, starting with the most vulnerable voters -- the first time voters.
Don't know what to do about the older folks so easily conned by empty suits, it may be too late for them. A depression bigger than the Great Depression might work as an educational exercise. Funny how that appears to be on the way...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Stargate: Universe
Watched the first two episodes of Stargate: Universe (SGU) on yesterday to see what the hubbub was about. In the Stargate fandom, there has been a lot of resistance to the show, mainly as it was seen as an excuse to cancel Stargate: Atlantis in its prime, due to rising salary costs after five season contracts expire. Rumor had SGU would be more edgy and darker, not exactly what the Stargate legacy has been about. So I decided to check on the show myself, despite a lack of interest, and streamed it from Hulu.
First impression:
Well, that was... bad. Catastrophically bad.
I'll try not to spoil the details in this review, so on to detailed impressions.
In an attempt to make an "adult" Stargate television series, what was aired is not a Stargate series like fans of the franchise have grown to love. Stargate has always been about adventure, with heroics leavened by good natured humor and a feeling that there was unlimited potential out there on other planets. With SGU, there was no sense of humor other than the cameo by Lt. General Jack O'Neil and little in the way of heroics. Instead it is clear that SyFy Network wanted a clone of Battlestar Galactica (the new one) and that overwrought, gloomy atmosphere is what was delivered. Galactica had a strong start, if oversexed, but decayed into a depressing amoral mess by the second season.
I will try to say one positive thing about the SGU. The CGI effects were very good, especially the assault on the base in the beginning. There, done with that.
The negatives... Everything else about the show. Bad acting, hackneyed writing, and terrible pacing were topped by the unlikeable characters. With nobody to root for, it was hard to get emotionally involved amidst all the chaos and canyon sized personality flaws. Though I will say some of the characters had no personality at all, so they can be excused from the latter.
The bane of all good camera work, the 'shaky cam', was ever present, sometimes distractingly wrong for the content of a scene. My guess is that it was used to make things feel more 'real' and to heighten tension for dramatic effect. It failed miserably on both counts.
Emotionally charged is what the makers were most likely going for, but the execution was hamfisted at best. Without spoiling too much, in the second episode one of the characters makes a major sacrifice that was clearly supposed to be the lynch pin of the hour. What were supposed to be a series of highly emotional scenes were curiously flat and mechanical, failing to evoke any emotion. Slow motion was used to interminably drag out the big scene and I could see this being MST3K'd very easily. Given that the following scenes depended on the big impact that didn't even dent and it has to be considered an epic fail in the annals of drama.
Bleh. I went in with low expectations and still managed to be disappointed.
Unfortunately, there has been a trend toward nihilistic and dreary television for some time. Stargate was a welcome refuge from that and sadly, that refuge is now lost. Comparing this two part premiere with Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis makes Stargate: Universe look even worse. There were engaging characters and villains introduced in each, with a real sense of wonder present.
Much has been made online about the sex scene early in the first episode and yes folks, Stargate is no longer family friendly. It was another thing that made one of the main characters unlikeable. All I can think is that there had to be network pressure involved in this, because of the past history of the pilot for SG1.
Back in 1997, it debuted on Showtime and the producers were made to have a full frontal nudity shot of an actress that went on at some length. The producers were upset as they had a goal of Stargate being a family friendly series that would be syndicated on broadcast TV. After the pilot, they got their way and earlier this year released to DVD a re-edited version sans the nudity (plus some other questionable things) as Stargate: Children of the Gods. It is hard to reconcile this attitude with the new show.
Bleh. This dismal entry into the Stargate mythos is another example of how the word 'adult' has lost its meaning, or more accurately, has had it twisted. Instead of a word describing maturity and responsibility, it is used in place of other, more appropriate words: adolescent, sophomoric, and juvenile. Sex, explicit violence, nihilism, and characters with selfish motivations are all attractive to the young and rebellious. Our culture is doing its best to extend childhood with the result being a perpetually adolescent populace. Sadly, 'adult' was co-opted by the pornography business years ago and now the slide is complete in the rest of the entertainment biz.
So the new 'adult' Stargate is a huge disappointment and I think a name change is needed for accuracy. I now dub it BattleStarGatica.
Monday, October 05, 2009
A Community Effort: The Yucatan Sign

Bank Failures Coming Closer to Home
Yesterday, this article jumped out of the headlines, as Spring Grove is a town I spent a good chunk of my school years in or around. Jennings State Bank was the 95th bank to fail in the United States in 2009 and the first local one. It may not be the last. The FDIC has warned Security State Bank of Lewiston to correct their lending practices and their Hokah branch is in Houston County. Until recently, Houston County had been unaffected, not a surprise for a small county. It is a temptation to say we are too small to fail, but realistically that is not the case.
It is clear we are not done with bank failures, whether they be local or national. Today brought another round of gloomy news, with a report from the special inspector general appointed to look into the banking stress tests conducted a year ago. The biggest banks were said to be financially sound when Treasury Secretary Paulson knew otherwise. To wit, he lied about it. Citigroup and Bank of America are singled out in the article, but there have been rumblings that Wells Fargo is not in good shape as well. Apparently, the "too big to fail" argument won out over honesty with Bernanke and Paulson.
None of this inspires confidence at any level. When cover ups begin, they are usually due to one of two things: the desire to protect oneself from trouble or blame and the other being paralyzed fear of large consequences too horrific to contemplate. My suspicion is that the latter is the case. In the end, no amount of running from reality will make bad things go away.
Time to prepare for reality on an individual basis, as the current crop of politicians and bureaucrats have no desire to face it.
Looks like the national level isn't as big as it gets, the question now being posed is whether the World Bank is going to fail.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Around the Web in 180 Minutes
Unbalanced Balance
Lately I've been seeing PC's infected by trojans posing as anti-virus software that traces back to the Russian mob. That caused my antennae to go up and so I found the latest trojan very interesting as it does more than stealing passwords or extorting money to regain control of the computer. They've finally made one that can intercept and steal money from online banking sessions. At this rate nothing will be secure on the Net.
Ruining the Hacker's Picnic
Then again, maybe ants are the solution. At least for corporate networks there is a new technology being explored that may counter trojans and other malware faster. Unless this is used by ISP's I don't think it will be of much benefit for home users. Still it is a fascinating idea and I look forward to hearing more about it.
Need More
With the sun being shy of late, refusing to warm the Earth as much and generally not putting out solar flares, another problem has arisen. Now we are being exposed to increased amounts of cosmic rays. I wonder which of the Fantastic Four's powers I'll get. If it is a new ice age coming, I'll hope for the Human Torch's abilities.
So How's That AK-47 vs. M-16 Rivalry going?
Political interference kill business success from what I've seen and no nation is more politically corrupt than Russia. The AK-47 is one of the most popular weapons of the modern age due to its simplistic ruggedness and reliability. However, not even that toughness can withstand the corrosive politics in Russia. I'd still prefer to have an AR-15 variant than the Kalashnikov, but it is amazing how far things have fallen over there. At least the knockoffs of the M-16/AR-15 are superior to the original and it is still being made.
We Aren't Out of the Recession
It is getting to be a weary task to type about all the things going wrong with the economy and Obama's Administration. There is simply too much material and it is too easy to do, which makes for a depressing exercise. As a result, I'll be posting more about other things. But one point has to be made and that is the dishonesty about there being an economic recovery right now. It simply is not happening and there are no concrete signs of it happening soon. Unemployment is still rising, now at 9.8% but closer to double that if you count those who've given up on finding work or taking part time jobs. Manufacturing is down, durable goods orders are down, credit card and loan defaults are up, and the 95th bank failed for the year.
But the biggest indicator to me that things are going to get worse is the problems charities are facing. When they are having to assist their own workers, things are dire. We'll be seeing soup kitchens and tent cities in the future. I pity the young, for they most likely will never know the standard of living we've had since the 1950's.