Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

The 2011 Ames Straw Poll Photo Tour, Vol. 5

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Ames 2011 70 FairTax Motorcycle

My favorite thing at the FairTax tent was the custom painted motorcycle.

Ames 2011 71 Media Downtime

As the afternoon progressed, a lot of us at the Straw Poll were getting tired. While I’d paced myself because of my bad health, others were finally wilting. Even members of the news media took their chance at some downtime in the shade.

Ames 2011 72 Chalk Message on Steps

Voices of Conservative Women cleverly chalked amusing messages on the steps of the Hilton Coliseum. What a great way of advertising their tent.

Ames 2011 73 Pawlenty on TV

While passing through AARP’s tent on different occasions, I caught parts of Bachmann’s and Pawlenty’s speeches. Tim’s was dull and Michelle’s was irritatingly obsessed with identifying herself as a native Iowan. Neither impressed.

Ames 2011 74 Abe Lincoln Watches

Abe Lincoln was in the audience and probably thinking he could teach those whipper snappers something about making speeches. For some reason I wasn’t surprised finding somebody born in 1909 in the AARP tent.

Ames 2011 75 One had a tent in the midst of the Paul tents. They are a charity mainly focused on food and medical aid to Africa. Bono of the band U2 is one of the cofounders and from his lobbying knows that conservatives give a lot to charity, so that explains their presence. They got a lot of traffic from what I witnessed.

Ames 2011 76 Sliding Dollar

This gave me a laugh. Pointed satire at its best.

Ames 2011 77 Paul Band

My father thinks this was the best band out of all that played at the Straw Poll. They were pretty good.

Ames 2011 78 Paul Encampment

Most of the tents in this picture are part of the Paul campaign. I met a young Mexican national who was a volunteer which surprised me. Before I could ask him about it, I was queried by another young man looking for the FairTax tent and had to direct him. Never did find out the story behind his involvement.

Ames 2011 79 Strong America Now

Strong America Now is a political group devoted to opposing increased taxes and also advocates a program to reduce wasteful spending. Their tent was very large and I didn’t explore it as much as I should have.

Ames 2011 80 Gadsden Flag

The first and only Gadsden flag I saw outside of a vendor. Normally something you saw at Tea Party rallies the past two years, this turned out to be an unusual sight at Ames.

Ames 2011 81 Accordion Player

A random accordion player appeared. Like the girl in the yellow shirt, I found the accordion fascinating when I was little.

Ames 2011 82 Santorum Lines Winding Down

As the day grew long, the lines at Santorum’s tents began to shrink and I finally could see their signup table. I was surprised at the size of his effort.

Ames 2011 83 Bachmann Strength Test

To complete the state fair atmosphere, the Bachmann camp had people swinging away trying to ring the bell.

Ames 2011 84 Cain Train

Herman Cain’s supporters march to the coliseum for his speech.  Surprise! There’s my dad with the FairTax sign after having been drafted into the group. Turns out he got to be right in front of the podium for Cain’s excellent speech.

Ames 2011 85 Bachmann Votes

The last photo I took before I was too tired to continue only tells part of a story. Bachmann made a big show of going in to vote and the media swarmed to record it. Then the boos began and the Ron Paul supporters got ugly like they always do. They tried to shout her down and basically blew the good will they’d scored with me through the day. It was a classless act by them.

So ended my photo tour of the Straw Poll on a sour note. That wasn’t my intent, but that’s how things go. I’ll collate my thoughts and analysis in another post.

The 2011 Ames Straw Poll Photo Tour, Vol. 4

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Ames 2011 52 Voices of Conservative Women

Also on the bus down to Ames were women from Voices of Conservative Women. Their tent was across the sidewalk from the FairTax tent and they were fundraising by selling kernels of corn that you could dump into a jar labeled with your favorite candidate.

Ames 2011 51 Cool Conservative

Also in the tent were some other conservative women’s groups and they had very heavy traffic. This is something I would call “the Sarah Palin” effect as I’ve noticed just how many women have become involved in tea parties and politics since 2008.

Ames 2011 53 Georgians for FairTax

Behind the Tea Party stage, the Georgians for FairTax had a small tent. It wasn’t a good location and was also hurt by the poor attendance at the Tea Party stage.

Ames 2011 54 Save Our American Republic

Save Our American Republic suffered the same fate. They are a 9-12 Project associated group in Iowa.

Ames 2011 55 AARP

AARP had a big tent full of chairs, tables, wicker couches, and television screens of C-SPAN covering the speeches. They also had a somewhat scary inflatable Uncle Sam out front. To the ire of of one of my bus mates, the pro-Obamacare organization had a cardboard cutout of Ronald Reagan you could have your picture taken with.

Ames 2011 56 Iowa Energy Security Banner

You couldn’t escape the energy lobby anywhere you went. These signs were all over the walkways.

Ames 2011 57 Iowa Energy Forum Bus

The bus the energy lobby had was next to the misting fans so popular with children. People who signed up to ride this bus in were given a tote bag of freebies including a digital camera. All they had to to do was watch a half hour presentation in return. Amazing how much money was put into this lobbying effort.

Ames 2011 58 Ron Paul Tents

The Ron Paul tents covered a considerable area and his red shirts could be seen everywhere. They really thought they could win the poll and catapult him into the lead. Compared to four years ago, the Paulians were much better behaved.

Ames 2011 59 Big Screen

This massive outdoor screen was erected by the energy lobby. Their efforts were on a par with any of the presidential campaigns present.

Ames 2011 60 Sarah Palin Fan

This spectacle caught the corner of my eye. While I saw more than a few Rick Perry stickers on people, the draft Sarah Palin lobby were few and far between.

Ames 2011 61 Al Shea Banner

Another micro-candidate I’d never heard of and I can’t remember how his name ends. The wind was a constant foe for taking pictures of banners, but a welcome friend cooling us off. It doesn’t really matter, he’s not going to be the nominee.

Ames 2011 62 Food Lines Again

Here is one line for free food extending for a long distance. You can glimpse another parallel line on the right going to a different food tent. Half an hour or more was the typical wait.

Ames 2011 63 Obamacare

Obamacare borders on being a four letter word these days. Though the recent 11th Circuit court ruling makes it more likely it will be overturned, people aren’t resting.

Ames 2011 64 Antiwar Sign

Anti-war and anti-taxes is what the Paul supporters are all about. And by no taxes, I mean NO taxation at all. They are much closer to being anarchists than libertarians in what they say, but the behavior is more disturbing. Glassy eyed fanatics worshiping Doctor Ron is how I’ve heard them described and I have to agree. A friend of mine remarked on how they reminded him of brown shirts in 1930’s Germany. Another four years ago made a similar comparison.

Ames 2011 65 Solar RacerAmes 2011 66 Solar Racer 2

Inside the green energy lobby’s air conditioned tent there was free kettle popcorn to be had. While I di partake of that, the solar powered race car was far more interesting. Built for $150,000 it hit top speeds of over 70 mph with the potential to hit higher. It is retired and being replaced by a new smaller one to meet new government regulations.

Ames 2011 67 Marching Band

A marching band was present in the afternoon and I have no idea who they were affiliated with. It used to be you always had marching bands at political rallies, but that is a thing of yesteryear. It was nice to see and hear them.

Ames 2011 68 Palin Fans

A small band of devoted Sarah Palin fans getting organized. They fanned out to circulate in the crowds shortly after this was taken.

Ames 2011 69 Bachmann Goes to Speak

Michelle Bachmann heading to the coliseum to give her candidate speech. I nearly got run over while taking this picture. Not by golf carts with security, but by photographers and video camera people from the media. I had no idea they could run so fast with heavy equipment like that outside of a war zone.

To be continued…

The 2011 Ames Straw Poll Photo Tour, Vol. 3

Volume 1

Volume 2

Ames 2011 38 Famous Dave's BBQ

On the bus there was talk of Pawlenty being given a terrible location near the entrance. The moment the Famous Dave’s BBQ signs were visible any disadvantage was gone. It was a brilliant move to have them cater and it made the tents a big draw.

Ames 2011 39 Pawlenty Tents 1

The lines to get in were lengthy and from what I could see were as heavily trafficked as any candidate’s tents.

Ames 2011 40 Pawlenty Stage

Most of the candidates had big stages for bands to play music. This was a change from last time when only Romney and Huckabee did.

Ames 2011 41 Dairy Queen

What, Dairy Queen too? That’s a killer one two punch of free food. Sadly for Pawlenty free food did not buy votes.

Ames 2011 42 FairTax Sign

I really liked the design for the FairTax signs. They stood out amongst all the others.

Ames 2011 43 FairTax Tent 3

It seems like quite a few organizations were giving away iPad 2’s. While I don’t know how many entered the drawing, the FairTax petition got 3000 signatures on Saturday. That was a huge success for us.

Ames 2011 44 Crowd

There were a lot of people at the Straw Poll and that added to the state fair feel of the occasion.

Ames 2011 45 David and Ed FairTax

Finally found my father and his friend Ed coming out of the Cain area. I wouldn’t see them again for hours.

Ames 2011 47 SoapboxAmes 2011 48 Soapbox Schedule

The Iowa Republican Soapbox was an interesting collaboration with Google to stream interviews with candidates and attendees on the Net. They also gave away an iPad 2. The videos are still up at their web site and youTube channel.

Ames 2011 49 Crowd 2

A staggering amount of people attended. At least I was staggering…

Ames 2011 50 Windmill Blade Signatures

On the bus we had an activist going to protest against wind turbines due to a project up by the Twin Cities. She was hopeful we would write anti-wind power slogans on the blade. I found a whopping one and it was a call to build more nuclear plants. Alternative energy is the touchy feely fad of the moment and it is in full swing.

To be continued…

The 2011 Ames Straw Poll Photo Tour, Vol. 2

Volume 1

Ames 2011 23 Wind Turbine Blade

In the first post, I mentioned the large presence of “green” energy advocacy groups. A blade from a wind turbine was on display to be signed by attendees and was very popular. I won’t get into the financial follies of windmills generating electricity, but please note that the politicians from Iowa all made a pilgrimage to sign the blade in front of the press.

Ames 2011 24 Food Line

Food lines dominated the back lot. You had to cut your way through them to get anywhere. Notice all the NRA caps. Multiple times I was stopped and asked where the NRA tent was because I was wearing one.

Ames 2011 25 McCotter Ice Cream Truck

McCotter’s area got next to no attention except for those of us who realized there were no lines to get Bomb Pops from the ice cream truck. Oh did that taste good on a sunny day!

Ames 2011 26 Thaddeus McCotter Volunteers

I felt bad about the lack of traffic and support there. McCotter can be a very funny guy but not many people know him. Hardly anyone stopped by to look at his literature.

Ames 2011 27 Santorum Tents

Santorum’s tents were always jumping. Having a decent band didn’t hurt at all and I was pleased to hear some covers of Buddy Holly songs.

Ames 2011 28 Guns SUV Freedom Sign

This sign had people stopping to take pictures of it. It summed up the feelings of the crowd pretty well.

Ames 2011 29 FairTax Tent 1

The back of the FairTax tent. I’d gotten separated from everyone from the bus very quickly and was looking for my father there. That’s the penalty for having one’s eye in the viewfinder most of the time. There was a constant flow of people through the tent.

Ames 2011 30 Tea Party Patriots Stage

The FairTax tent adjoined the Tea Party Patriots’ stage and associated tents. It was a nice setup that was almost completely ignored by the crowds.

Ames 2011 31 Bagpiper

I don’t know if Santorum was going for the Scottish American vote or if the bagpiper was just there. There was no smell of haggis being grilled, so that can’t be the reason he came. Though I did hear the hot dogs tasted like haggis.

Ames 2011 32 FairTax Tent 2

A lot of families visited the FairTax tent, just like four years ago.

Ames 2011 33 Media Interview

The media was everywhere interviewing people and chasing candidates. Little did I know I’d end up on camera twice later on in the day.

Ames 2011 34 FairTax Tent 3

A lot of animated discussions and occasional argument over the FairTax took place. At first it looked like a bad location compared to last time, but it turned out to be a great spot.

Ames 2011 35 Mid-South Tea Party Singer

Next door, a gospel singer failed to get much of an audience at the Tea Party stage. It was a preview of things to come as even inviting people to speak from passersby fell flat.

Ames 2011 36 Segway Mounted Police

The police presence was widespread. I still can’t take Segway scooters seriously even if police officers are on them. How can you command respect when you look so dorky?

Ames 2011 37 TV Trucks

The media outnumbered the cops by wide margin. An amazing amount of television trucks were present.

Ames 2011 35 Satellite Dishes

I kept waiting for a bird or two to be roasted by the microwaves, but that never happened so I had to settle for this shot of the satellite uplink dishes.

To be continued…