
Saturday, October 01, 2011

October Recharge

It is time for the leaves to turn colors and wonderful words of inspiration from General Conference again. The Saturday morning session just ended and the big news has to be the Provo Tabernacle being restored as a second temple in the city of Provo. That was very unexpected and a collective gasp could be heard from the audience.

Video feeds of the conference can be found here and here and on Facebook, another big change.

I found myself doing something I had not done in several years and that is working on model kits while listening. For some reason, I have always been a better listener while doing something with my hands and the combination of the two was most harmonious.

I had missed that. Model building is one of the things that fell by the wayside since the big downturn in health in 2010. Actually, it had been slowly sacrificed in order to keep doing things like my calling and I probably should have seen it as a sign that things were amiss.

The H2O2 therapy is starting to hit me hard in regards to detoxifying. It will be nice when that ends and the body adjusts – after all that is why I undertook this. Hopefully, things will get better.

It is hard to believe it is already October.

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