
Monday, October 03, 2011

Health 10-3-2011

Well this H2O2 regimen is not a lot of fun at the moment. Detoxifying involves a lot of unpleasantness from nausea to painful skin break outs. It is also taking my stomach awhile to adjust to the whole affair. Odd moment of the day was when I looked at some ginger ale on sale and felt total revulsion with the stomach shouting NOOOOOOOOO!!!! (insert George Lucas edit here) at the sight of one of my favorite soft drinks.

Went into La Crosse and set up an appointment with my optometrist for later in the week. The current contact lens prescription has made reading difficult and working on models impossible when they are in. With my glasses being ancient (fifteen years or so) and tinted, I need something with better color fidelity for that job. So it will be a pricey thing to do both.

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