
Friday, September 23, 2011

Health 9-23-2011

Punchy today and slept longer than usual. The H2O2 therapy has started to affect my sleep patterns. It is harder to get to sleep and earlier in the week I was up to 5 AM – not good.

On the flip side, my crossword puzzles and Audiosurf results have shown a sustained improvement as I appear to be more alert. Side effects of getting more oxygen to the brain?

As of today I am at 10 drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide in 8 oz of water three times a day. The taste is starting to become harder to take, so it looks like fruit juice will be the dilutant in the near future.

My appetite and capacity for food is decreasing too. It will be interesting to see if that continues.

Just realized I forgot to take my generic Zyrtec, better do it while I’m thinking about it.

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