
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Can Be Used for Good or Evil

The ever changing thing called modern technology can be a wonderful thing. It also can be a terrible thing for doing harm when placed in the wrong hands.

So it was interesting to see this account of an ATM skimming crew using 3D printers to make skimmers. When I found the link to this at Blue’s News, I knew I had to click on it as it hit two things I’m interested in: 3D printing technology and high tech theft. No, I don’t want to steal things, but rather like to be forewarned.

Having first read about this last year, I admit wondering where they got the plastic made for the devices. Now I know. The 3D printing tech has gotten so much more advanced over the years and I really would love to have one for fabricating model building parts.

Sadly, I am poor and unlike the users in the first article, not a crook. All I would use it for would be parts to make exotic versions of jet fighters.

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