
Friday, June 24, 2011

Health 6-24-2011

Time to stop complaining about writing these journal entries on health and just do them. While I’d toyed with the idea of a separate blog just for them, I’ve had enough trouble maintaining one blog as it is.

Yesterday whatever bug I have got worse and made straight for the chest. It has gotten to be an old pattern and one I’m well sick of. Figuratively speaking, though literally works of course.

Last night was a difficult one with coughing enhancing the experience delightfully. Sarcasm alert.

This morning, I can breathe a little easier and the small amount of wheezing seems to be gone. As usual, the right bronchial is the main culprit. It always goes bad first and if I can head things off by doing essentially nothing it can be contained there. So far, so good.

Looks like a sunny day out; wish I could enjoy it.

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