
Monday, May 22, 2017

May Brings Changes

It is said the one constant in life is change, so the events of this unfinished month are not surprising except when nature takes its course.

After the Storm 02

Storms have roiled the area and saturated the soil much to the disappointment of farmers trying to get their crops in. While we were spared the violent side of the weather, others were not including a fatality along with $10,000,000 in damages over in Barron County, Wisconsin. The same system left behind a beautiful sky that prompted me to get the camera out.

After the Storm 01After the Storm 03

A glowing orange light filled my room and looking out to the West revealed a spectacular sunset underway. Part of the recent change here has been the destruction of the surrounding farm buildings which has opened up new vistas. The lonely antique water pump in the above left photograph is the sole remnant of the old pump shack. Behind it used to be a storage shed that collapsed over the years.

Changed View

Before I took those colorful pictures, I had an opportunity that couldn’t be passed up once exiting the house. But before that, a shot showing where there used to be a chicken house, extensive fencing, and trees. All are gone and plowed over now.

May Post Storm RainbowMay Post Storm Rainbow 02

Above the car was a glorious rainbow arching over the Yucatan valley. With no barn and no granary to block the view the right hand shot was made possible.

It has been a melancholy experience watching the buildings being torn down and burned. They were hazards slowly falling apart, however they were part of the environment if not charm of living here. Absent their presence, the property feels naked.

Maybe that will fade with time.

Top CatMerry and Top

In the meantime, some cat photos since the Net only exists to pass them around. The little kitten Merry (short for Meriadoc) was obtained in December to help Top Cat get over his depression after his brother Baron vanished. That plan worked out perfectly with the two becoming very close as the second photo illustrates.

Taking photos of Merry has proved difficult since he rarely stays still for any amount of time. Top on the other hand is as laid back as can be these days. Yes, he really is bigger than that oversized keyboard. Typical of cats, he can’t resist a mess.

Not pictured is Morry (short of Moriarty) the third Musketeer of our male cats. Formerly the outdoor cat of our neighbors, he voted with all four feet to live here with our cats. The three are great friends and pal around quite a bit. Morry has turned into our most social cat, getting on complete strangers’ laps and accompanying us on walks.

One of these days I’ll get a photo of him.

May also brought the latest cancer checkup for Dad. He’s still in remission and there has been initial success in dilating his Pyloric valve after the amazing return of peristaltic movement to his stomach. A very slow increase in eating solid foods is underway with good results.

Now that’s a welcome change.

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