
Monday, January 04, 2016

Winter Mornings


It is a marvel how much clear skies and a morning sun transform the dullness of winter into something spectacular. Two mornings ago was such a day, so I tried to photograph the beautiful frosting on the trees around the property. Sadly, they photos were blurry messes thanks to me having a subpar day which even the autostabilization on the Fujifilm HS25EXR couldn’t overcome.

Winter Flag

Second chances are far rarer than people would like to admit, especially when trying to capture a moment in time. Thankfully, today gave me such an opportunity.

Flag and Willow in WinterFrosted Trees

Actual snow caught us somewhat off guard with many things still out in the yard that should have been put away. El Nino has spoiled us in November and most of December while brutally punishing other parts of the country. However, winter finally did arrive a week ago.

Frosted BushFrosted Bush Closeup

One of the delights of living in a creek or river valley is the frosting of ice on the dormant trees and bushes that can be see at sunrise. Usually only around for a few hours, the icing bejewels dormant plants restoring some of their lost beauty that fades away with the coming of colder weather.

Winter BarnWinter Grainery

The low angles of the newly risen sun backlight the ice creating an ethereal effect that my poor photography skills can’t fully bring out in pictures. These photos are my first foray into using Adobe Lightroom and I have to say I’m impressed with how much you can do with even JPG files.

Not only did I test that application out for this post, but also a firmware update for the Fuji HS25EXR that fixes the Windows 10 file transfer bug along with testing the new Open Live Writer application’s ability to post images. So far so good.

Not bad for a Monday.

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