
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Gifts

It has been too long since I last posted mainly due to health issues along with an early holiday trip to Indiana to visit my sister and her family. As a result, the materialistic side of the season has already been dealt with so there should be no stress for once during Christmas itself. For a more spiritual point of view, I suggest checking out the new Featured Post section in the right sidebar for something I wrote five years ago.

The best gift received this year wasn’t even given to me directly, rather it was witnessing the incredible achievement of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launch on the 21st. Blasting off and launching multiple satellites while having the first stage successfully land is historical to say the least. A longer video from the launch to the landing can be found here. Kudos to Elon Musk and all the technicians, engineers, and workers involved in the endeavor.

With the U.S. government having botched space exploration, this private enterprise effort may mark the beginning of the real space race that should have happened decades ago. I am convinced humanities future lies in leaving the planet and going first to the rest of the solar system and then the stars if we figure out faster than light travel. Reusable launchers such as this are the first step, so I got a little teary eyed watching the videos last night.

After years of hopes dashed, something is happening to turn things around. Multiple startups such as SpaceX and Blue Origin along with movies such as Interstellar and The Martian show a renewed desire to get out into the celestial sphere. It is long overdue, but most welcome.

Another gift to all was the success of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Kickstarter. Exceeding my most optimistic expectations, the fans have funded no less than fourteen new episodes and broke the record for movie/video projects at the crowd funding service.

I would be remiss if I didn’t list a little of the loot given me by family and friends.

Topping the list is a new Indiana Jones licensed replica fedora hat from my sister, which gives me an all weather chapeau that isn’t made of wool (I’m quite allergic). Being abnormally warm and rainy, it has already gotten used quite a bit. I’m still getting adjusted to what the best shapes and positions are needed for in the car, thankfully we have one that can accommodate real hats.

A small Doctor Who replica pocket watch from my father has left me trying to figure out how to carry it. More research on the Internet should provide the knowledge I lack. I will not be wearing tweed or a multihued scarf, however. A line has to be drawn somewhere, after all.

Just watched Spirited Away in HD for the first time thanks to a gift from my friends the Kochs. The new Blu-ray is simply phenomenal to behold and hear. Looks like I’ll be having to update that review in the year to come.

Seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens at an 8:30 PM preview showing on Thursday was a great gift from my brother-in-law. The first real Star Wars movie since 1983, it deserves to set all the box office records it is. While a rehash of Star Wars from 1977, it is beautifully executed with the best acting performances of the entire series.

Even John Williams has learned to restrain himself and not trample over the scenes with his score this time out. Though there is the penalty of not really being a stand alone album worth listening too, Williams’ music complements all the scenes with just the right inflections to enhance the emotionality of the story.

I hope everyone reading this blog has a good Christmas and remembers that it isn’t the material things that make the holiday special. Family and friends, folks… family and friends.

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