
Thursday, August 06, 2015

Great Video on CG in Modern Movies

I have been known to complain about poor computer generated special effects in movies and also films that seem to exist only to bombard the audience with artificial imagery, so this video was of great interest during my browsing the Net today. Particularly fascinating is the usage of CG for things we don't even notice -- watch the whole thing. It may change your viewpoint. The final analysis is something I agree with and bless Rocket Jump for including Ray Harryhausen's work at the end.


  1. I remember seeing this. I didn't have a strong preconception that CG was bad - I was just amazed that much more CG was even used in non-action/explosion movies.

  2. Yeah, that's the part that really blew my mind, especially for movies set in the current day. Period pieces I can understand, but set today?


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