
Monday, June 01, 2015

Ragnar Vanished

It is hard to write this post. About 48 hours ago was the last time we saw Ragnar, the almost full grown kitten I rescued back in November. While an avid hunter who loved going outside, he always stayed near the house so he wouldn't miss anything we were doing. Odds are that he was torn apart by coyotes while hunting rabbits.

Rags was an exceptional cat, one of two brilliant little animals I've had the privilege of knowing over the span of nearly five decades. Fiercely loving, he had to be involved in everything we did. If we hiked up to the mailbox, he's accompany us. If there was any labor around the house, Rags would be there to either check it out or try to "help", if help meant playing with the tools involved.

I've lost more than a pet, Ragnar was a buddy, a friend. In the short amount of time, he brought such light and life to a beaten down household. With his death, my heart has died as well. One too many wounds to the soul in a very bad life had turned it into scar tissue. It truly is the last straw.

No more pets, I can't go through this again. Ironic, I was planning to take pictures of him this week and write about what an incredible cat he was. Now all I have is memories.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick, I am so sorry to hear about Ragnar. I hope the memories help.


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