
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Surprise

The surprise being that this post is actually going up.

Though the fact that I’m wearing a T-shirt today is surprising after last week’s snow storm that dumped more than eight inches on the property.

Last time I posted was nearly a month ago. How time flies when you aren’t having fun. While February was tough on my health, March pushed me to my limits with no spare energy for anything constructive. That, of course, includes writing.

So I still need to finish taking notes on for the next movie review (long gaps are why I HAVE to take notes) and try to get my energy levels up. It has been a painful winter which has made already trickle charging sleep even worse. Highly frustrating is the perfect description for the situation, especially since there were plans to get certain things rolling in March.

At least the shower finally has been repaired so that getting clean no longer involves standing under a trickle of cold water in a cold bathroom. Running water is something we take far too much for granted in the West, so I’m grateful to finally be able to properly shower again.

There’s more of a story to the shower woes, but that will await until another day – if then.

Dad’s health hasn’t changed much, other than his growing incrementally stronger. Test show that he moves solids along at half the rate a normal person does, indicating that it is nerve damage causing the problem since X-rays reveal no blockage.  Prescribed Reglan hasn’t done anything to help pass solids, so there has been misery from attempts to eat soup. Given the very nasty side effects possible with the drug, enthusiasm for more attempts is scarce.

Barring a miracle, he’ll never be able to eat like a normal person again. Better to know this than be in limbo indefinitely. It is a steep price to stay alive, one of many that people all over the world have paid without most noticing.

The sun is shining, the snow is almost completely gone and life goes on.

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