
Thursday, December 04, 2014

So I Was Driving Along a County Road…

And I saw what looked like a dead cat with a kitten nestled up to it near an intersection. A half mile or so further down the road I turned around when I saw nothing moving in the rearview mirror. Stopping the car and getting out revealed no dead cat, but three kittens huddled together for warmth right at the edge of the road. They were completely lost and crying for their mother.

Concerned for their safety, I managed to corral two and carry them across the road to the farm where I suspected they belonged. The third eventually followed me to the safety of familiar territory while one jumped off me when the dog residing there started barking. However, one was just fine with me carrying it and was comfortable nestled in my arm.

Talking to the surprised owner of the property it turned out their barn cat mother had taken them hunting. His surprise was my carrying them, since he had tried wooing them and never been able to lay a finger on the critters.

Looking at the purring kitten looking back up at me, I realized that another four legged denizen was going to be added to our household.

Kitten 01

Not the best picture, but I had the wrong settings on the camera again. He’s a pretty little cat with a face like a bobcat and quite a bit bigger than his siblings. Fairly sure he’s a he, since it is the old semicolon ; rather than colon : formation in back.

Also indicative is his personality, which is solidly in the extrovert category. I was able to snatch him first due to his conversing with me in a larger than normal vocabulary for a kitten. In the car there was little in the way of panic from the tiger striped wee beastie, instead he explored the windows, climbed on me, sat on my shoulder for part of the way, then finally curled up on the dashboard behind the GPS.

Aha, he’s an original, alright I thought.

Snooky and Kitten

Once in his new home, separation anxiety manifested with him getting upset if I was out of view. Other than that, he’s been a character and a half by begging to be petted and trying to win over my number one cat, Snooky. She’s not pleased, to put it lightly.

The new kitten has a weepy eye along with a cold, so I’m hoping living in a heated environment will help there. Only been here a couple of hours and he loves to have his belly rubbed while having a lot to say. I think he’ll be good for Dad.

No name has been chosen as of yet, though I’m leaning toward Ragnar.


  1. "Ragnar"? As in "Ragnarok"?
    I approve this message.

  2. Close, for it is viking in origin. Ragnar Lothbrok is a semi-historic figure from legend and the main character of Vikings on The History Channel.


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