
Friday, October 31, 2014

Time of Eve Blu-ray Going to a Wider Release

Awhile back, as in over a year ago, I posted about the Kickstarter campaign to fund a Blu-ray release of Time of Eve: The Movie. By the time it closed, they had garnered far more money than projected and easily passed stretch goals added along the way.

This turned the project into something much bigger and complicated with the promised product only delivered last month. It was worth the extra wait, but in the process they went $10,000 over budget mainly due to horrendous shipping costs to Europe. Although always meant as a work of love, they have enough remaining sets put together from production overruns to recoup that money. They need and deserve help.

So if you didn’t get in on the Kickstarter, here’s your chance to get the deluxe package at their webstore. The Blu-ray is glorious, as are the insert materials and the included soundtrack CD. I cannot stress just how special the anime is enough and if you haven’t seen it, it is worth the blind buy – I can promise that without a doubt.

Also now available is something that fell together after the Kickstarter ended, which is the English version of the associated novel, Time of Eve: Another Act. I preordered that just before writing this post.

Meanwhile, preorders for the standard and deluxe editions of the movie are now up at

Again, I can’t praise this film enough. Eventually I hope to review the set and movie, but it will be a major undertaking compared to most of my reviews. It would be best done in multiple posts due to the massive amount of content and extras.

Buy it, you will not regret it.

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