
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Laboring Along

It’s been a week or so since I last posted, nearly two weeks now that I look at it. Things have been tiring with not as much drama as July. Currently suffering from a cold or the ilk, so the post will not be terribly lengthy.

Dad has been losing weight rather than gaining or stabilizing, which led to two appointments this week. One was an expected follow up to see how his gastric decompression tube was doing – no problems there. The second was with a dietician to review the weight loss issue.

The conclusion that came out of that meeting was whatever weight gain he’d had before was most likely water weight and the contents accumulating in his stomach. In other words, he’d never gotten enough calories in the first place. This is despite bumping him up half a can. 2400 calories is not enough for his ridiculous metabolism, so it is being upped another 115 a day for a month to see if it helps.

That’s another additional hour a day on the feeding pump, by the way.

Between hitting the wall energy wise this month, I’ve had a lot to do that required physical effort. When you have CFS, this is a very bad scenario and I’m barely getting through it. I’m always on the razor edge of collapsing into bronchitis or pneumonia making it a constant high wire balancing act.

Despite that, I’ve made some progress on rewriting an old review and taking notes for a new one. Some long delayed maintenance/house cleaning on the PC and the house was accomplished, though it is more like shaving off a cup of ice from an iceberg given what all needs doing.

Labor Day weekend is going to be quiet around here. Nothing special scheduled, however I did finally see Guardians of the Galaxy last night. A short review is in order even if it is a wee bit late in the movie’s run.

Okay, my brain is turning to mush, therefore this post is finished.

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