
Monday, June 23, 2014

Stuck in Place

Monday has arrived bringing improvement to my father's condition, albeit with no release from the hospital. Another day of observation and continued treatment is planned, so tomorrow will be the earliest he might come home.

In addition to the antibiotics and antacids, two units of blood have been put into him with a third on order. Dad's hemoglobin count is still lower than the doctors are comfortable with. However, he is responding nicely with the hiccups gone and the vomiting ending.

He also got a good night's sleep, which I can't claim. At least Dad is showing signs of life today though far from bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Alas, as I was typing the RN entered to announce his being taken for an endoscopy, a surprise that wasn't welcome. They'll be yanking the NJ tube out to do that so that horror will be repeated

And then that just got canceled just as the cart arrived for him.

It's enough to cause whiplash, though I don't think it would stand up in court.

We'll have to wait and see how it all plays out. Seventy years of robust health and then all of this happening is still disorienting after half a year.


  1. I've heard of people getting positive results from bringing in hypnotist (helps patient strongly focus on healing) and registered dietician for optimal nutrition and vitamins (check with docs).. health issues are always complex.. got to stay on top of everything. As you know, spiritual involvement helps too. A lot of people see your site. All the best from me and i'm sure a whole lot of other people too!

  2. Thanks, Billy.

    Dad is very stubborn, so hypnosis is out, though I've tried to teach him basics of meditation. That seems to require more patience than he has. We've been working with dietitians for a couple of months, so that is being handled as best as it can -- which is sorely limited by his inability to eat solids.

    You're very right about staying on top of everything. It feels like playing a too serious version of the game Whack-a-mole!


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