
Friday, March 21, 2014

Spinning Wheels

The results of the PET scan revealed my father’s lymphoma no longer can be found, which means the tumor is gone and cannot be blocking his stomach. So that’s great news. However, they doctors still don’t know why his digestive system isn’t moving things along.

Once again, it is a waiting game. I headed home to prepare the house in case he’s coming back today or tomorrow, but haven’t managed to get much done. Energy levels start out low for me and they are even lower now making everything difficult to do.

Heading home last night was a bad experience despite getting good news on the cancer part of my father’s woes. Out on Houston County 4, I noticed large amounts of deer in the fields due to the snow cover melting away. At night, I rarely exceed 45 mph because the large vermin are very active thanks to a huge population. It still didn’t keep me from hitting one.

A small yearling bolted out from a hillside leaving me little time to brake as in not enough for the pedal to depress much despite kicking it hard. The critter almost made it past me in its blind panic. Almost.

Tagged by the driver’s side headlight area, it made a very loud thump and spun into the ditch. Stopping, I couldn’t find it and didn’t have light to check out the damage properly, though I noticed deer hair all over the bumper and headlight. No immediate damage could be found, other than paint removed from the plastic facing.

In better light at home, I found a small gap in the front quarter where it looks like the facing has been sprung to some degree. Don’t know if we’ll bother having it fixed, therefore only monitoring for other problems is required.

In the midst of washing a week and a half’s worth of dirty dishes. Never had a dishwasher which means manual effort. Some despise it, I find it relaxing. Between rounds of that, vacuuming and prepping burnable refuse is being done piecemeal. Eventually it will be warm enough to bury the elderly duck in the fridge and the epic battle with the interior of that appliance will begin.

Need to get cat food during a break in all this. No, not for my consumption, but for the overweight felines in the house. They could go without for weeks but this will get them off my back.

At least I’m not having to drink barium like Dad.

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