
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Into the New Year of 2014

2013 was not a good year for me or my immediate family, so I bid it good riddance. Another year begins in mere hours here and has already begun in the East. Hopefully it will be better than this one was. Expectations for 2013 were low and frankly negative, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when it turned into a year of one bad thing after another.

2014? Haven’t a clue, yet it is not likely to be a great year. That said, it could be an improvement for me. For others, I don’t know.

My only prediction is that a lot of people in the United States are going to wake up to the fact that we’re in an economic downward spiral, not a recovery. Worldwide, things will continue to become more unstable. No foresight is required to see these things, it’s just the established pattern.

In my personal life, I hope to see some improvements since I’ve already started working on them. Zero resolutions for the new year, I’m already ahead on that. As far as looking forward to anything, the only item that pops into my mind is getting to teach about the Old Testament in Sunday school for adults. That’s going to be fun.

May the new year treat everyone well!


  1. All the best in the new year and beyond. You have a very nice site. Enjoy your Biblical class, but as a believing Reformed Jew please know that The First Testament of 'Unitarian' Testament, if you will teaches we are our brother's keepers, we're here to love our neighbors and that does not mean only people like us, for whenever we identify others as 'strangers' God says - Oh, really? You mean like you were in Egypt?'... And that ends that. Even tells stubborn people who might STILL identify others as 'strangers' to be even more to them, since they expect so very much less. Not to mention all the parts about clothing and feeding the needy and protecting orphans and widows. Plus it ain't just Jews who'll share in the World To Come but the righteous of all groups. that part gets me.Didn't mean to go all 'churchy' on you. Just happened. Forgive me. Keep doing what you're doing and have a wonderful year.

  2. Thanks for the input, Billy. You have no need to ask for forgiveness! It's an excellent day to "go all churchy".

    I'm the kind of teacher who encourages people to make trouble for me, because the best theological discussions come out of that -- in my opinionated opinion. This kind of comment is the kind of thing I thrive on in class and I love my troublemakers.

    In my church we also believe the righteous of all groups will go to what is referred to by many as heaven. That includes atheists and agnostics, which surprises some investigate the LDS faith. Another thing that throws people is that we refer to others as "gentiles" which you may find amusing.

    May God smile upon you in 2014.


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