
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Month That Ate My Homework

Or any other ridiculous excuse that you can imagine for not getting more done on the blog in November.

A wintery mix of weather, intestinal bug, and doing more in the real world than usual has led to my getting very little accomplished online lately. When it takes forever and a day to recover from expending energy, productivity suffers greatly. A couple of weekends ago I went on a trip up to the St. Paul area where I ended up assisting a close friend in teaching a merit badge course on computers to Boy Scouts.

Since then, I’ve been one of the walking dead and some extended trips out helping my father on some repair calls made me hungry for brains. Wait, that came out wrong. I lost my brains somewhere along the way, that’s what I meant. If you find them alongside the road, please send them to me and I might remember to repay the postage.

It depends on what shape the gray matter is in, you see.

Okay, I’ve been watching far too much Doctor Who lately. Though I have to say The Day of the Doctor was unexpectedly sentimental for me due to the ending. Also worth watching is Peter Davison’s The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot video. Utterly hilarious and filled with cameos, it is something for the longtime Whovians to enjoy. You kiddies who only started watching in the past decade won’t get as much out of it.

What was I talking about?

So I’m sitting here, looking at a list of movies I plan to review and pondering how ridiculously long it would take to finish it at this rate. Over a year ago, I wrote a post detailing my plans and I still haven’t finished that list. The old list haunts me, for I do my absolute best to be a man of my word.

Therefore, I probably should deposit the new list in a drawer, finish off the old list, and get the guilt god created in The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul off my trail. Mutated supernatural refrigerators are nothing to mess with if you value your sanity.

Come to think of it, when was the last time I cleaned mine? It might not be safe to check…

Anyway, with the holidays fast upon me, I think that finishing out the review in the pipeline then the rewrites first is the way to go. Finishing out all the episodes of Area 88 would be good, but that will wait until the new year.

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