
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Strange Influx of Russian Spam, Part 3

Given how much I’ve already documented the new wave of Russian referral spam showing up on Blogger, I’m simply listing the new links as they come in. For more information on what this is all about, please see my previous posts here and here. In what may be a coincidence, vampirestats has been showing up in large numbers during the same time period. Also, I'm starting to see repeats of the same links, but they always register four times when they hit.

UPDATE: It has been 13 days since I first posted this list and the hits keep on coming. There is no way I can keep up with the all the sites being promoted by this spam, since the deluge never stops. I've never seen anything like it.

As more spam links come in from this peculiar assault, I’ll add them to the list below. Remember, do not click on these sites!
  • http: // iowo . ru / ?p=121
  • http: // italyhistory . ru / ?paged=2
  • http: // saratov-star-service . ru / ?p=25
  • http: // sboll . ru / ?p=94
  • http: // lozn . ru / ?p=91
  • http: // autoknigs . ru / ?cat=1&
  • http: // dejt . ru / ?tag=%d0%b7%d0%b0%d0%bc%d0%b8%d0%be%d0%ba%d1%83%d0%bb%d1%8c%d0%ba%d0%be%d1%81%d0%b0
  • http: // dom-lechenie . ru / ?p=134
  • http: // foodlong . ru / ?p=78
  • http: // etiketu .ru / ?tag=jetiket-za-stolom
  • http : // / ?p=125 
  • http : // www . syfo . ru / ?p=187 
  • http: // lechit-nogi . ru / ?tag=bolshogo-palca
  • http: // stroykomplext . ru /?p=70
  • http: // www . plass . ru / ?cat=4
  • http: // abilitytech . ru / ?p=65
  • http: // abilitytech . ru / ?p=187
  • http: // abilitytech . ru / ?p=149
  • http: // autoknigs . ru / ?p=29
  • http: // blogfinansov . ru / ?p=102
  • http: // extruziya-smt . ru / ?p=108
  • http: // vygo . ru / ?tag=zeljonyj-borshh-shhavelem
  • http: // art-cs . ru / ?tag=doma-podcherkivat
  • http: // nasmorc . ru  / ?p=149
  • http: // stresscom . ru/ ?paged=21
  • http: // stresscom . ru / ?cat=5&
  • http: // lightspektr . ru/ ?tag=svetilniki-2
  • http: // metallovedenee . ru/ ?p=63
  • http: // / ?paged=2
  • http: // / ?tag=anekdoty-smeshnye
  • http: // regionyrf . ru / ?paged=60
  • http: // abilitytech . ru/ ?feed=rss2&p=238
  • http: // abilitytech . ru / ?p=149
  • http: // magicromance . ru / wp-content / uploads / 2011 / 02 / 14 . jpg
  • http: // magicromance . ru / ?p=159
  • http: // sylq . ru / proizvodstvo / imbir-i-koritsa-pomogayut-pohudet . htm
  • http: // gastroname . ru / ?m=20101204
  • http: // gastroname . ru / ?tag=odna-chajnaja-lozhka
  • http: // ipotekacomp . ru / ?tag=pomoshh-molodym-semyam
  • http: // / ?tag=prikprog
  • http: // healtblog . ru / ?p=449
  • http: // hesd . ru / ?p=325 
  • http: // hesd . ru / ?p=103
  • http: // rticompany . ru / ?p=40
  • http: // urasgard . ru / ?tag=sous-chesnochnyj
  • http: // krasataforyou . ru / ?cat=3
  • http: // gdmemory . ru / ?p=48
  • http: // gdmemory . ru / ?p=57
  • http: // lusst . ru/ ?tag=lyustry-spalni-svoimi
  • http: // lusst . ru / ?tag=vybrat-lyustru
  • http: // asblog . ru / ?p=45
  • http: // spechome . ru / ?tag=libo-sulfata 
  • http: // ryff . ru / ?p=21 
  • http: / /agro-rost . ru / ?p=209 
  • http: // kulinarski . ru / ?p=45 
  • http: // rassadu . ru / ?p=481 
  • http: // borq . ru / ?m=20120822
  • http: // eurostroysovet . ru / ?p=365
  • http: // eurostroysovet . ru / ?cat=3
  • http: // indohistory . ru / ?p=80 
  • http: // klimacontrol . ru / ?paged=5 
  • http: // klimacontrol . ru / ?p=10
  • http: // kokv . ru / ?paged=5
  • http: // koncervhome . ru / ?p=35
  • http: // mjsk . su / ?p=11
  • http: // nsk-start . ru / ?p=44
  • http: // receptorat . ru / ?tag=ptiche-moloko-3& 
  • http: // aforizmoteka . ru / ?p=170
  • http: // drive-edu . ru / ?p=139
  • http: // irry . ru / ?p=205
  • http: // jijo . ru / ?paged=2
  • http: // lightspektr . ru / ?p=119
  • http: // zwetiki . ru / ?tag=dnevnogo-sveta
  • http: // builder-whs . ru / ?p=96
  • http: // descript . ru / ?p=36
  • http: // jijo . ru / ?author=1
  • http: // krassata . ru / ?p=154
  • http: // babyzabot . ru / ?tag=%d1%83%d1%85%d0%be%d0%b4%d0%b0
  • http: // avto-helpme . ru / ?p=6
  • http: // kulinarski . ru / ?feed=rss2&p=130
  • http: // prodrecept . ru / ?p=245
  • http: // reecept . ru / ?m=20120924
  • http: // alltechbid . ru / ?p=52
  • http: / /drunkenness . ru / ?p=79
  • http: // homeanymals . ru / ?p=24
  • http: // rassadu . ru / ?tag=vedro-smesi
  • http: // / ?p=170
  • http: // www . plass . ru / ?paged=2


  1. Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to post this. I came by your blog when trying to figure out what 7secrets was all about.

  2. This is so insane! I noticed two weeks ago an explosion of .ru spam refferals on my blog and my jaw dropped. One or two a week is tolerable. Fifteen in one day is not! What is the point of it all? And the fact the Blogger won't do anything about it just pisses me off.

    I was tempted to post something on my book blog about this and title it "The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!" with the first line of the post to read "No, they're already here and they won't go away."

    Thanks as always for investigating all this lunacy with spam referers. The info at least alleviates some of my bafflement and curiosity about these pests.

  3. John - I can't even keep up with all the addresses since Blogger stats are overwhelmed with the flood.

    According to Blogger, I've had 12, 496 pageviews in the past 30 days. According to Analytics the figure is 2,974. So nearly 10,000 pageviews are referral spam averaging over 300 a day!

    I'm now sure the same people behind vampirestat are involved. 386 of the fake visits are from there alone. Seoairport accounts for another 50, but they are recorded by Analytics too since it is a botnet used in that case.


Please keep all comments clean, respectful to other commenters, and use full links if you include one. No shortened links or profanity will be allowed. Thank you!