
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Health 11-13-2013

It’s been awhile since I updated the ongoing woes of my health problems. I only do it to document them for posterity which means I generally omit the minor issues. Lately, I’ve had to force myself to nap in order to maintain any functionality at all. The last three weeks have not been good.

The body is demanding repair time thanks to a host of minor infections of various types visiting me with sinusitis being the worst. Things had gotten so bad that scratches and minor skin breakouts were refusing to heal properly.  As much as I hate enforced rest, it is rectifying the problem.

One of the most annoying things about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is how stupid it makes me at times. “Brain fog” is what it’s known as and is a pretty apt description. Just now I burned the toast in the toaster oven because I completely forgot about it. Last week, I managed to burn ramen on the stove for the same reason.

Yeah, that sounds like normal life to a regular person, but when I’m relatively doing well I don’t make those kind of mistakes. In fact, I’m the guy catching other people in danger of doing so and making sure things run correctly. When the brain fog sets in, I find myself wondering why I’ve entered a room. The purpose of being there has vanished into the ether leaving me bewildered and very frustrated.

This period of extreme resting eats into my ability to do things even while making it possible for me to do anything at all. So the movie review that was planned to be up by now doesn’t even have the notes finished. The most intellectual thing I’ve been able to muster most of the time is playing video games and only those I have played to death, since I don’t have to think in order to win.

On top of this has been an increase of demands on me from outside and of the nature that cannot be ignored or refused. So it is simply one of those gauntlets that has to be run.

At least the death estimates in the Philippines are going down rather than up. Perspective matters.

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