
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Comment Spam in the E-mail

The experiment with removing bot checks from commenting continues and so does the spam in my email account. Always posing as an anonymous commenter, it only shows up in my Gmail account but not in Blogger. So at least some of the filters are working. That’s the only silver lining since I have to check each email out.

Once again it is time to fire up the virtual machine with Ubuntu on it to do some investigating. Here are some examples and where the links lead to:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)":
Cygiefiania xaikalitag icergeallonia [ url = http: // usillumaror . com ] iziananatt [ /url ] Juicillenna http: // gussannghor . com EnedonoMory

The first link is embedded in xaikalitag and is ww2 . wikaswieier . com which throws up an error message. The secong link gets the same result.

Gussanghor spam

The third time is the charm and we get to see a fake search engine made to mine money from click referrals.

Next up is a link to suspended account.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Day, Another Referral Spammer":
You need to have a great amount of enthusiasm and flexibility in order to become a favorite photographer at events. Additionally, you should
also use a remote release given that it assists you to keep the exposure open in as long as you want. The first thing you can do is read that long manual that came with your DSLR camera.
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The underlined section contained an embedded link to http: // topic . to / 1zhtd which comes up with an “Account Suspened” page. It’s an example of zombie spam still circulating around after being pulled.

Link shorteners are becoming the scourge of the Internet, in my opinion. They are fertile ground for spammers, hackers, and information thieves.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ohbelog Referral Spam":
You get to access the pictures from anywhere and any day.
The circle, plus sign, or brackets in the middle of your viewfinder is for focusing and isn't necessarily for centering the subject. These specific changes combine to produce a unique but disturbing face.
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The only thing the underlined embedded link, which is actually http: // my . qlp . be / gVw, leads to is the home page of the link shortening service YOURLS. The actual target no longer exists, so it is another zombie and it looks like it is from the same source as the previous one since there is a photography theme involved.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Godzilla vs Biollante (1989)":
[ url = http: // www . page1 . pl ]pozycjonowanie[ / url ]

What, again?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)":
Incredible story there. What occurred after? Thanks!
My weblog - www

Wow, the guy’s blog is the entire web! Who knew?

The link is really http: // balochkarwan . com / index . php?do = / profile-62875 / info / which leads to:

rolex spam 01

Looks legitimate, right? However, it only exists to get you to www . harrywatches . com to sell fake Rolex watches:

rolex spam 02

The profile was made this month, so this is fresh spam.

So what else lurks in my inbox?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time for Some Polish Comment Spam":
The local business listing addresses also displaying in the Google search results.
Select a theme which is not too heavy, takes short time to load and is
clean. And ultimately, that's another lesson of SEO: it's a permanent, forever kind of process.
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Oh the irony of being spammed on a post about spam. Bots are not discriminating in the least, are they? Or are they?

Polish SEO spam 01

Initially the link takes us to another profile put up only to spread links, this time at a car enthusiast site. Once again, this was put up recently so it is fresh. But it is the link that is interesting for it isn’t in English and leads to:

Polish SEO spam 02

More Polish based SEO spam! So the bot wasn’t completely off target.

It has been awhile since I’ve seen a “wall of text” approach to spam, after all we are in a short attention span society that is barely literate these days. So the following effort amused me.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris (1999)":
Do you understand why nowadays there are so SUNDRY peoples making big money through online marketing. And how do they do that? How do they obtain those TITANIC commissions.
Basic, they ascertain completely what works- what works paramount for them…. Then, they do MORE of the unchanging in disposal to promulgate more money. It’s just a oafish concept. On revealed what works and then trade mark xerox it. That’s it. So, that’s actually how people tempered to to press change with [ url = https : / / www . rebelmouse . com / googlesniper2review / ]google sniper review [ / url ]. Stick to it. AT NO TIME give up.
Right-minded so you be sure, some people are so desperate to add up to paper money that they are willing to get any shortcuts in order to make money as licentious as possible. But the correctness is,there are no such shortcuts to do that. [ url = https: // www . rebelmouse . com / fatlossfactor66 / ]the fat loss factor[ / url ] While it’s inspiring to be told in people making a apportionment of spinach with the program. And I by the skin of one's teeth after you to obtain a true to life expectations that nothing transpire instantly. Everyone worked steely to have a claim those money! When all is said, i hope you find the poop that follows valuable. And all i can maintain is that the method’s worked lovely opulently and as extended as you in fact utter it into action, i differentiate that it inclination well-heeled in search you too.
Also, remember to come to see the valuable article and apropos pages, if you want to deliver assign to more information close to google sniper and it’s author. There are some absolutely beneficial videos to give the basics overview of how to actually utilize google sniper to up money for you. With an increment of, the basic info wide George Brown, the author of [ url = https : / / www . rebelmouse . com / googlesniper2review / ]google sniper[ / url ].

Wow, that was an amazing amount of gibberish that almost made sense. It’s also utterly hilarious. Also hilarious is how the spammer mangled the links so that they 404 the site they lead to:

RebelMouse spam error page

Rebel Mouse is a site where users can lash together their social media accounts into one place. It looks like the perfect place to put up get rich quick schemes and spam.

Google Sniper Spam 01Google Sniper Spam 02

After correcting the links the first one leads to a supposed review of a get rich quick scheme that just happens to involve you spending money. Forty seven dollars U.S. to be exact. Clicking on the “visit official site” button takes you to a fairly low quality video with lots of hand gesturing.

The Fat Loss Factor SpamThe Fat Loss Factor Spam 02

The second link has something to sell too, the Fat Loss Factor. It also masquerades as a review. Clickhop bank is used to go to the links on it, so making money off of clicks is involved too. Wait a second, that looks familiar…

Yep, Dr. Charles is at it again. Not a zombie, this spammer reminds me more of a killer from a slasher movie that keeps popping up over and over again. I hope those purchasers are fictional, but I’m very afraid there is a high possibility they are real.

I’m no longer laughing.

Finally, the last one in the inbox

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Man of Steel Sequel Announced":
Let me explain the idea behind it. The reason is because mahogany is a very solidly made door that has large glass panels as well as merging
indoor and outdoor applications to lampshades chandelier shades ceiling
medallions and accent furniture. They keep the water inside the tub or shower area while you are painting.
Once all the pulls have been removed, you need to access more interviews.
My site; #

So what’s under the pound key? http: // 23hq . com / ruddycoward934 / story / 12396573 is another recently made account at a social site. Sadly, it is an epic fail at spamming due to no links being put up!

ruddycoward spam 01ruddycoward spam 02

It appears filler text was never replaced with what was going to be used, so no actually spamming resulted. This one is dead on arrival.

That’s it for today and I doubt I’ll do another post on this kind of comment spam. My intention was to give an overview of what’s hitting Blogger owner mailboxes at the moment and why security measures need to be in place on blogs.


  1. Hi!

    I notice since I blog with blogger that I receive more spams in my box. But till now I'm Lucky, I'm not received mails like you talk about...

    Just a question about your comments case. How do you do that cause I would open the comments in my blog to my family and friends who didn't have any account at Google+ and I don't find any explication in my language Grrrrr!!! Where are these in English version please? Thank you in advance.

    Have fun!
    Bye x

  2. Sab - Here's how you can enable anonymous commenters which will let anyone post:

    Go to settings->Posts and comments
    Once you've found that, make sure "Anyone" is checked by "Who can comment?"

    This will allow anyone to comment, including spammers. So to deal with them, I suggest enabling "Comment Moderation" by checking "Always" and entering your email address to get comments by email that you OK before posting.

    It means extra work to qualify each comment before posting, but is worth the time.

    Turning on "Word Verification" would be best, but if family or friends have trouble with that, you can disable it.

    I hope that helps!

  3. Thank you for your help!

    Bye x

  4. Anonymous12:45 AM

    gigantic article to survey i pass on bookmark it too

  5. Lol, I admire your stamina.

    Personally, my stamina to chase down bots gave up the ghost about 5yrs ago. Nowadays, my time is far more important than any anony-comment. Consequently, me & the 'delete all' button have become really good mates ;)

    Really good post, BTW, I love it :)

  6. Toxic - It's a pain, no doubt about it. If I investigated every bit of email and comment spam I'd have no time for anything else in my life!


Please keep all comments clean, respectful to other commenters, and use full links if you include one. No shortened links or profanity will be allowed. Thank you!