
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Health 5-7-2013

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… it is the most mediocre of times.

I finished the antibiotics on Saturday, so of course a deer tick bit me last night. It didn’t wait for the 72 hour period doctors and researchers think is the minimum, it was on me for less than 24 hours guaranteed. Fortunately for me, I found it right after it bit.

My first 2.5 mile walk of the year turned out to be a lot tougher than expected yesterday. The off and on infection has taken far more out of me than realized. Now to get back to weight training – perhaps today if my morning twitch reflex test is any indication. My last blood pressure reading was 134/82 which I consider to be too high even if ill. Moving and functioning should help with that.

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