
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How Many Referral Spammers Are There?

That’s the question on my mind. Yet again faked referral links have shown up in my Blogger stats and yet again it is one I haven’t seen before.

afslotat . net16 . net is the newest one to hit the blog with a tempting link:
afslotat . net16 . net / info / my blog address

It appears to be out of Latvia, but that could be faked too. An attempt was made to load the site in a VM, but failed so I’m very suspicious and advise not clicking the link for any reason.


Another address like it showed up this evening:
radepaha . hs8 . ru / de  /info / my blog address . de

I'm not even going to try to investigate it since it is likely from the same people behind the other.

UPDATED again...

Now I've gotten referral spam from one of the biggest weirdos on the net. escapefrommasachusetts . org is on the loose again after being around as escapefromma . com and this site is dangerous to click on. The latest incarnation of pseudo anarchic drivel is salacious statements about Mitt Romney. A little out of date, that.  DO NOT CLICK!

Yet another UPDATE:

A new variation of the first two spams has shown up and racked up a ridiculous number of hits in one day. It uses the same fake "info" then your blog address in the referral. The new culprit is:

tkdot . com

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