
Monday, December 17, 2012

A Curious Decline and Other Things

Since last Thursday, the traffic to the blog has dropped to a fraction of what it normally is. I don’t know if it was my tweaking the robots.txt earlier in the month knocking me down in the search rankings or what. That has since been returned to the Blogger default since the tweak served its purpose in getting Bing to actually index the whole blog. Arcane stuff, but interesting to learn.

It’s a good thing I don’t earn any money off of this site!

I almost have the next movie review done and may rush another due to getting my hands on a surprise release to Blu-ray.

An surprise find at a small town grocery store has put the first season (the good one) of Due South into my library. It’s a cheap in quality and price release complete with compression errors in a few places in the two part pilot, but nice to have nonetheless.

I’ll be upgrading the media center PC to Windows 8 today and am trying not to dread it. Unlike a Vista or Window 7 upgrade, Windows XP to Windows 8 can’t transfer the installed applications. Fortunately, there aren’t a lot of them on that PC due to its role of primarily putting streams from the Web onto the HDTV.

Out in the greater world, it looks like a full on assault on the 1st and 2nd Amendments is beginning in the aftermath of Friday’s mass murder in Connecticut. Funny how nothing ever gets done about locking crazies up in institutions which would protect society far more than a gun ban. Gun crimes including murders go up in countries and cities that enact them. Chicago, Washington D.C., and Australia all proved this uncomfortable fact.

I still don’t feel “the holiday spirit” and probably never will again. There are too many truly important things in life that deserve one’s focus rather than the crass commercialization of October through New Years Day. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years follow one after the other and I think people get holiday fatigue from it all.

Having found free custom templates for Blogger, I’m mulling switching over to one. My experiments altering one of Blogger’s own hasn’t been to my satisfaction. Might as well do it while the traffic has vanished.

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