
Monday, November 05, 2012

The Other 2012 Races

Like most political junkies, the Presidential race is the main focus for me, especially given what is on the line this time out. But there are other offices up for election this year, so it is past time for me to say something about them.

Minnesota District 28 is both brand spanking new and old at the same time. It used to be District 31, so I hope I don’t mistype that repeatedly.

The state senate boundaries stayed the same, so it looks like it will be another close one. I am voting for Jeremy Miller, who has done a very good job as a rookie senator. He easily deserves a full four year term to expand on what he started in 2010. My hopes are that the margin of victory expands, but it will depend somewhat on coat tails from above. More on that later.

State House District 28B will be won by Greg Davids. I think he’ll get at least 55% of the vote and this year is his best shot at getting that elusive 60% that he’ll ever see. Ken Tschumper is running against him again and managed the rare feat of losing as a sitting Democrat in 2008. Extremist does not begin to properly describe him and the hatred his neighbors have for him is legendary in Houston County.

Of course I am voting for Davids, since he has fought hard for rural Minnesota for many years. The changes to the district can only favor him since they added in more conservative leaning precincts. Redistricting was very good for him.

Turning to the Congressional District 1 race, I do not think there is any way Allan Quist can get above base against Tim Walz, the sitting DFLer. Having received what is probably third or fourth hand information on polling conducted, it looks exceedingly grim for Quist. As I have written before, I will not be voting for him and will be writing in a candidate. It would be nice if the Republicans in CD1 got their act together in selecting and backing viable candidates, but I’m beginning to wonder if that will happen before I die of old age.

Another unviable candidate is Kurt Bills running for the U.S. Senate. His campaign has been an unmitigated disaster complete with his running as the next Paul Wellstone. This is what happens when you let Ron Paul supporters run things – you get a left winger running as a Republican. He might pull just over base due to people having no clue who he is on the ballot, but it will not matter and popular Amy Klobuchar will romp to an easy victory.

Coat tails may or may not matter due to Minnesotans being the types to split their ballots. That is something I learned from being involved in two recounts and from analyzing voting trends by precinct in years past. If there is to be any effect, Bills and Quist will not be of any aid in the state legislature races.

The wildcard in all this is the fact that Mitt Romney may win the state. With that possibility increasing, we might see a boost to the other races. I flat out cannot predict what will happen there

If that wasn’t murky enough, there are two amendment proposals on the ballot. One is Voter ID, which will win easily, I think. The other is a DOMA (Defense of Marriage Amendment) which will affirm that marriage is only between a man and a woman. That was actually winning earlier in the year, but now looks to be in trouble.

Minnesota being the perpetual bizarre political circus it is counts non votes as NO votes. That’s ridiculous, but there it is. That alone may sink the DOMA vote, but believe me when I say the evangelicals who vanished since 2004 will be coming out of the woodwork to vote for it. It will be a battle between the metro and rural areas.

Me, I am in favor of both amendments and will vote for them. We’ve destroyed too many things sacred in our culture as it is and a stand has to be made. People presenting a photo ID card to vote is a must in an era where you have to have one to do just about anything else. Saying it will disenfranchise people is simply silly and reveals that somebody has something to hide. The dishonest and partisan conduct out of Mark Ritchie in training judges shows there is something very crooked going on in the state.

Since I am a devout Christian of the Latter-day Saint variety, I believe that marriage is a sacred thing that is ordained to be only between a man and a woman. It is all about “be fruitful and multiply” and I don’t think Darwining our culture out is an intelligent move. We have already fallen below replacement rate in the country, for crying out loud. I will be labeled a hater for saying that, but it is not said with a shred of hate or even anger. This is about practicality, reality, and the divine, so dark emotions have no place in it.

So that’s what I see happening in the political arena around here. Tomorrow night will be a long one no matter what happens in the presidential race because there is so much more going on that just that. Not to mention the Secretary of State’s reporting of results has been tardy and incompetent under Richie…

I will be relieved to have the elections over and probably most Americans feel the same way. It is a hell of a way to choose leaders, but it still beats all alternatives.

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