
Monday, October 22, 2012

Third and Last 2012 Presidential Debate

Foreign policy is the subject of the last and probably least watched debate. On the anecdotal side, multiple people I know will not be watching this one who did watch the preceding debates. Make of that what you will.

Both candidates seemed a bit off at the very beginning. Lots of verbal stumbling and stuttering going on shows how the debates have worn them down.

President Obama was a jerk early and made things personal during the Libya question. Hitting Romney on saying Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat was predictable. Mitt was prepared for that and gave a very strong response. Obama said “clear” which is always a telltale he is about to fib big time. Seriously, he always does that.

It looks like his gambit will be to try to put words in Romney’s mouth, just like the previous debates and entire campaign. It must gall him that Mitt stands up for himself.

The Syrian civil war was the next question. Wow, Obama did not mention Israel at all in relation to it when he opened the answers. Romney did. Obama went back to Libya to justify getting involved there. Bob Schieffer steers things back on topic with a question to Romney about getting more involved in Syria. Romney ruled out military action. He also stressed the need create a leadership council amongst the Syrian rebels. Obama went on about how he has been a good leader.

Obama seemed bent on inserting women’s issues into the debate. Then he went on to nation building at home rather than abroad (latest campaign commercial content). Romney responded with a need for a strong military to help with world peace, but predicated on having a strong economy.

Schieffer segued to the next question: What is America’s role in the world?

Romney passionately argued that America needs to lead so that the world will be more peaceful and that the economy is a security issue. Critiques of treatment of Israel and Poland by the administration followed. Obama denied our alliances are weaker and claimed they are stronger than ever. Then he started making things up to push green energy and make the wealthy pay more.

Is he even able to deviate from talking points? He inserted things in that had no relation to the topic constantly. They did hit theoretical push buttons with special interests, so I guess it was according to a plan of some sort.

At this point the debate began to be hard to watch.

One thing that got my attention is is the President said that “sequestration will not happen.” He doesn’t think that he can issue an executive order on that, does he?

Ha! President Obama pledged to back Israel. He had to have hated saying that. Still, he said no specifics. Romney said it would include military action if he were President.

Obama accused Romney of copying his positions and that all he would do is say them louder. Personal attacks are where it is at since the first debate debacle.

I am omitting a great deal because the debate got mind numbingly boring as it went on.

Romney landed a haymaker on Obama over the apology tour and Obama gave a canned response with little substance and much sophistry about going to Israel as a candidate (he hasn’t as President). Amazing how often he inserted women’s rights, they must be frightened of losing more women voters.

Of course the bragging about killing Bin Laden was brought up by Obama as part of an attack on Romney. Touchy feely time in a very calculated way to paint himself as a leader. I wonder how many times leader and leadership have been used in the debate?

Schieffer gave Obama more time to speak than Romney, just like the other moderators. Media bias is not bias, but active prejudice. He also made sure Obama got the last word more.

Note to self: Toothpicks to keep eyelids propped open do not succeed when a debate is extremely boring. Try duct tape in 2016.

A veteran in Minnesota trying to get a nursing certification got mentioned. Does that mean they are now worried about Minnesota?

You know what is sad? Foreign policy and events is one of my favorite things to read and discuss. This debate put me to sleep. I didn’t expect much out of it, but I never thought it would bore me silly.

Something occurred to me. Obama only knows how to attack in one style, that of a trash talker between the hoops. Frankly, that is all he concentrated on in this debate and that is not a sign of an intelligent man – or a winner. Class warfare, special interest shout outs, and acting like he is the challenger, not the incumbent is not going to win independents.

Romney was more presidential and more positive. It was odd, because it felt more like he was the sitting President than Obama in some ways. He deftly kept out of the traps set for him to look like a war monger or aggressor. That should infuriate some on the right for not attacking Obama at every turn.

Other than watching President Obama glare at Romney, this was a very boring debate.

Another thing that struck me was that the most important issues will never be addressed while the leftist media controls the debates. That is not good for the country and a new system needs to be devised. Perhaps alternating debates run by the two wings, right and left. There has to be a better way.

Like the last debate, I predict it does not change the direction of the election.

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