
Tuesday, October 02, 2012

RIP Flying Squirrel

I made a short trip out to get some things in a local town and came back to see Jazz, my part Siamese cat, carrying something with a suspiciously familiar tail dangling. He brought in the flying squirrel that surprised me on Saturday night to show off. So I took the corpse away from him and tossed it outside where he won’t find it again. It had the softest fur, sigh.

So much for the wonders of nature.


  1. Huh. This really seems like a strange coincidence or something. Too bad!

  2. Well, I can now verify the accuracy of wikipedia stating that among the top predators of flying squirrels are feral cats -- Or only semi-feral in my cat's case.

    I'm so used to bad things happening that this was no surprise.In fact, I was a bit concerned things would end exactly the way they did. One rolls with the punches, no matter how big or, in this case, small.


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