
Saturday, October 06, 2012

2012 October General Conference Semi-Live Blog

It is hard to believe six months have gone by since the April General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but they have. I will be putting up comments on the talks as they are given, or more likely right after them. It is an experiment and I’ll see how I do at it! Warning, it will be scattershot rather than organized thoughts.

The video stream can be found here.

Saturday Morning Session

President Thomas S. Monson just announced a lowering of age restrictions on full time missionaries. Now 18 year old young men and high school (or equivalent) degree holders from all countries will be allowed to serve. The age for young women serving has been lowered from 21 to 19. This is fairly big news. Also announce were two new temples, one in Tucson, AZ and the other in Akiba, Peru.

Quentin L. Cook began his talk with a reminiscence about being a missionary in the field the last time the age was lowered, from 20 to 19. Elder Holland was the first 19 year old in his mission! The bulk of his talk was about repentance and has made an emphasis on how men are accountable for how they treat their wives, children, and others. The culture you were raised in does not excuse or permit abuse.

Great story about talking with a 15 year old about how sexual immorality is the one bad behavior not criticized in the culture. A warning that the moral issues of the day must be addressed at home in the family was given. Kids are afraid they are disqualified from serving missions due to inadvertent exposure to pornography while still in grade school. Yeah, things are that bad, folks.

Awesome mention of the runner Eric Liddle, made famous in Chariots of Fire, and his refusal to compete on the Sabbath. I need to get that Blu-ray.

Ann M. Dibb from the Young Womens Presidency stressed how we shouldn’t be afraid to say “I’m a Mormon” publicly. She just quoted one of my favorite scriptures from James, “Be ye doers of the word…” while emphasizing that we need to live the Gospel.

Nice story about a letter from a convert young woman about how happy she was to find the Church and a place that emphasizes modest dress and behavior. I have to say that is something that I love about the Church, along with the desire to dress respectfully for services.

An emotional moment talking about her deceased daughter and how they will be reunited.

Craig C. Christianson talked about taking his young son to the Temple and how it was the first time for him to feel the presence of the Holy Ghost. Good basics lesson on who the Holy Ghost is and what his role in the Godhead is followed. Even better is the description of how the Spirit helps us in life.

Shayne M. Bowen opened with an experience with an investigator during his mission and how the belief in infant baptism had led to despair for her. Her priest had told her that her baby was lost to her forever. The correct teachings of the Church were verified by the Holy Ghost and led her to join.

Later on, he talked about the death of his eight month old son, Tyson, who choked to death on a piece of chalk. It led him to punish himself for being a bad father, then anger toward God and friends. This was a very personal testimony he gave about grieving. It is a tremendous account and reach out to those trapped in grief.

Russell M. Nelson directly addressed nonmembers watching and explained the missionary program. He also explained the term “Mormon” and the organization of the primitive (original) Church and that we are the restored Church. It was a good overview of what we are about.

Great story about missionaries being avoided and how they helped a couple in distress. “Ask the missionaries” was the theme for the rest of the talk, with Elder Nelson pointing out all the things they can help you with.

“The glory of God is indeed intelligence.” Great comments about science and knowledge.

This is my favorite talk of the conference so far. It will be hard to beat.

I should not have typed that last sentence.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf just made me eat my words with a terrific talk about regrets and a call to spend more time with family and friends. His ding on Facebook and social media was dead on about people having thousands of “friends” they will never see face to face.  The take away quote for me was, “Discipleship is a path to holiness and happiness.”

The gist of the talk was about doing things so that you do not have regrets on your deathbed about not spending time with those closest to you. But it also pointed out how people where busyness as a badge of honor when what you accomplish in here on Earth is only one rung on an eternal ladder.

So ends the Saturday morning session and my first attempt to live blog it. Not as easy as I thought it would be, that is for sure!

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