
Monday, September 03, 2012

Health 9-3-2012

Going cold turkey on H202 to prepare for a full cleanse in September has not gone well. So I am now forced into restarting the maintenance regime and postponing the full. Such is life.

I am finding online multiplayer gaming to be more physically draining than I expected. It tires me greatly if it goes more than a couple of hours. That is one of the most annoying things about CFS, it does not care if real physical activity is involved and will be set off by anything I do no matter how trivial.

New week, new challenges to overcome. The first is Labor Day…


  1. Online gaming too? Suck! That really should be holy ground for illnesses. Take care, buddy!

  2. Illnesses don't know a thing about respect, which is down right rude of them.

    Funny thing is that I was talking with my gaming friends last night about how it depends on the game more than anything else. After thinking about it later, I realized the kind of game where there is no let up in the frantic clicking is what really does me in. If there can be long pauses, I can survive the session!


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