
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Health 9-26-2012

Had a relatively high pain index night of 7-8 so I ended up reading and playing Torchlight II until tired enough to overcome it. The body has been acting a bit in distress, but still an improvement over last week. It looks like pain is going to be at higher levels post Lyme Disease. Such is life.
So no lit dropping for Greg Davids in Houston today. At least I was able to drop my father off and have lunch. It is a nice day out for walking, wish I were up to it.
Hope the headache will subside soon, I have a review to write.
Updated some hours later:
Some of the symptoms of Lyme Disease are flaring up now and I will be keeping a close eye on them. The swelling in the head and odd sensation when breathing began showing up shortly after I posted this in the afternoon.
Back to writing the review.

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