
Monday, September 17, 2012

Bleach Ep. 19: Ichigo Becomes a Hollow!

The mini training arc continues, Bleach style. Slapstick comedy mixes with an intriguing dive into Ichigo’s very soul when his quest to regain his lost powers takes a very dark turn. Will he survive his training? More importantly, will he survive being abused by little kids?

Bleach1 Main TitleBleach 19 Title

I think everyone has had one of those days where they have found themselves restrained in a magical straightjacket and subjected to torment by small children. I hate when those happen, they are real downers. So when saw Ichigo go through the events of this episode I empathized deeply with him.

Bleach 19 Byakuya KuchikiBleach 19 Rukia Despairs

But it is Rukia who gets the short end of the stick, both in events and screen time. The episode opens with Renji freaking out when he finds out Rukia will be executed and his captain, her brother, approves of this. Byakuya may be a pretty boy by anime standards, but his personality is cold to say the least. There is not a trace of positive emotion shown toward his sister and the whole encounter leaves her in a deep funk while she tries to let go of all emotions like a proper noble woman. That is all we get to see of her.

While she is in a black hole of despair, Ichigo is in a hole of his own.

Bleach 19 Urahara WatchesBleach 19 Determined Ichigo

In his case, it is an actual hole with a creepy older man to keep him company during his struggles. Mr. Hat and Clogs becomes more sinister than ever, eating apples and watching the teen struggle to escape the hole before his soul is lost. Did I forget to mention that if Ichigo does not escape before his chain of fate devours itself he will become a monstrous Hollow?

Being a teen is not fun and I do not miss those days at all.

Bleach 19 Chad Remembers Ichigo's SisterBleach 19 Chad about to be Ill

His friends Orihime and Chad are going through training at an abandoned factory, but without as much trauma. Well, relatively speaking, since remembering how they originally summoned their new spirit powers is part of the training. In Chad’s case, trying to remember what Ichigo’s sister looked like leads to a memorable image that nearly causes him to vomit. He fails to summon his power thanks to that.

Bleach 19 Orihime Summons Her FairiesBleach 19 Orihime Tormented by Her Power

Orihime does a bit better for she is able to summon the Shun Shun Rikka fairies from her hairpins. While most offer their help, one goes berserk and chases the terrified girl around the room. Losing control of your powers has never been so literal or embarrassing.

Yoruichi the talking cat has its hands paws full training these two winners, I tell you.

Bleach 19 Chain Devours ItselfBleach 19 Ichigo Transforms

While that silliness goes on, Ichigo is repeatedly taunted by Jinta with Ururu aiding and abetting. Spit and tempting food are the tools used to torture him with devastating results, both comedic and plot based. The imagery of the chain eating itself is incredibly creepy as only the Japanese can do and the horrific transformation of Ichigo into a Hollow looks like distilled pain in the graphic scene.

Bleach 19 ZangetsuBleach 19 Hilt in a Box

As interesting as all that is, it is the following depiction of his internal struggle that elevates the story above standard shounen fare. The moment Ichigo loses control in the pit, he finds himself sitting on the side of a blue skyscraper. Completely disoriented, the troubled teen hears a dark figure standing on a pole in the distance speaking to him. Clad in black, the man is distinct from the blue hued world of buildings and sky.

Their conversation is strange, with barely restrained anger emanating from the stranger. When asked his name, he gives it as Zangetsu, but Ichigo is mysteriously unable to hear it. What follows is wonderfully surreal, with Ichigo suddenly realizing that he is ninety degrees to gravity and then falling into a deep sea of water as boxes rain down around him. “Find me!” is the command of the man in black and all will be lost if Ichigo fails…


Being a penultimate episode of a season usually sets up major drama for the finale, but the seasons of Bleach are broken up somewhat arbitrarily, so do not expect that. Instead, it is a highly entertaining and unorthodox training story that hints heavily at Ichigo’s internal emotional state. The world of his spirit is explored for the first time and the motif of drowning is reminiscent of rain being used as a them for his emotions.

Zangetsu is an interesting addition to the mythos, being harsh and uncompromising while dealing with Ichigo. The revelation of who he is turns out to be one of the better reveals in the series, for it flows organically with the story rather than feeling forced. Foreshadowing was in place a few episodes back if you were observant.

Turning into a Hollow is horrific in presentation with the suffering conveyed very effectively. Gruesome flows of white slime from the eyes, nose, and mouth covering the face is repulsive and evokes feelings of suffocation – or drowning like in Ichigo’s spirit world. It has been awhile since the horror side of Bleach has been shown and it returns with a vengeance in Episode 19.

Then there is the ending. It has the feel of the early episodes and I’ll leave the rest to the spoilers section.







Bleach 19 Ichigo Emerges from the PitBleach 19 Ichigo's Red Eyes

The failure to restrain Ichigo results in a dramatic entrance by the now Hollowfied teenager. When his eyes open with a red glow, it makes his fate look grim and upsets Ururu.

Bleach 19 Ichigo Hollow or Soul ReaperBleach 19 Angry Ichigo

But why is he wearing the robes of a Shinagami if he is a Hollow? Ururu asks that on the behalf of the audience. It was a nice touch having Ichigo break the mask with the konsu side of his sword hilt. Interesting that his blade is still sawed off from where Byakuya snapped it off.

He is none too pleased with Urahara as can be seen above.

Bleach 19 Urahara is PleasedBleach 19 Urahara's Hat is Cut

However, the sinister shop owner looks very pleased with Ichigo’s success and pronounces the second phase of training over. The instant start of phase three makes him happy too, until his hat gets cuts during an energetic exchange between the two. Time for his sword to come out for a patented Bleach cliffhanger!

I wonder if he would be able to function without his hat and clogs?

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