
Monday, August 13, 2012

Why I Support Mike Parry for Congress in MN CD-1

Ever since Gil Gutknecht lost to Tim Walz in 2006, the GOP candidacies have been hamstrung by internal strife amongst the party activists. Bitter feelings, back stabbings, and conspiracies have made it seem like a ridiculous soap opera out of Hollywood. Much of the disintegration of the state party was already well underway here in southern Minnesota, so it was with weary eyes that I watched the slow motion train wreck under Sutton. Sadly, things are still contentious in the district.

It is against this backdrop that I endorse Mike Parry in the Republican primary tomorrow. Mike has been a solid conservative in the legislature and has lived a life of service through stints in the Army National Guard and as a peace officer (an old fashioned way to say “cop”) before running for office. In my opinion, he has the best credentials and chance to defeat Tim Walz in November.

The endorsement campaign was an ugly one, which was not a surprise when Quist threw his hat in the ring yet again. Those who have been in politics long enough or know their state history could see that it would go to a primary the moment he announced. There are those who are labeled “loose cannons” and then there are those who really are loose cannons; Quist is the latter.

I think of the old WWII poster “Loose Lips Sink Ships!” every time I review his record and wince. If he gets the go ahead tomorrow, it will be a contest to see if he can get a lower percentage of the vote than Brian Davis did in 2008. That is simple political reality, folks.

Parry has energy that can be infectious and the fact he has raised more money from donations than Quist testifies to his abilities to compete. I will also say that I flat out like Mike from talking with him multiple times. That is a factor that cannot be underestimated come November.

So if you are a Republican in Minnesota CD-1, get out and vote in the primary for Mike Parry. He is the best man for the job and the kind of person we need representing us in Washington, D.C.

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