
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Six Years of Blogging

In all the events of yesterday, I forgot to post about it being six years since I started this blog. It can safely be said the blog is not exactly what I thought it would be.The first post was not anything profound, but was in the spirit of trying to keep a journal of some kind.

At the time, I figured I would post about daily things and links to articles I found interesting. While I still do that from time to time, the desire to write and resurrect my rusty skills at it gradually took over. Most of that took the form of reviews, which I never expected to get involved in writing, and the occasional essay.

Six years. That is hard to comprehend, but looking back at the first post I notice they do not have any tags on them. Time to fix that.

Looking to the future, I expect the blog to keep changing. It is a reflection of me and my refusal to be complacent about life, so change is unavoidable. Hopefully it will be an interesting journey and some of the posts will be too.

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