
Friday, August 17, 2012

Health 8-17-2012

I have been plagued by a runny nose and sneezing since late last night. I suppose that a check on allergy alerts is merited…

Ah, ragweed. I should have known.

On a more positive note, my routine of using  Audiosurf to see how I am doing has given way to more serious gaming in the morning. The NADH is helping a lot, so I am a great deal clearer minded and alert in the mornings. This allows me to do things more complicated than a crossword puzzle and a simple game, though you would not believe it by the bad session this morning.  Also, I have become a morning person, which is something I strived for over the years being a nocturnal type.

Still not up to speed energy or strength wise. Next week will be better, I think.

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