
Friday, August 24, 2012

Headlines: Shootings and Armstrong Is a Doper

Early reports of three to four dead near the Empire State Building in New York City with the gunman dead. Like I have written before, I expect to see a lot more of this as society slowly comes apart at the seams. Too many economic and social pressures are causing marginally stable people to crack.

Meanwhile, Anders Breivik gets twenty one years for killing seventy seven people in Norway. He is eligible for early release in a mere decade. Way to protect your public, Norway!

The other big story is that Lance Armstrong quit defending himself and has been found guilty of doping. All seven Tour de France titles have been stripped from him. It puzzles me that people did not believe he was doping when that sport is completely dishonest. Frankly, all sports are populated by cheaters and dopers now and are not worth following. Certainly, the athletes should not be made heroes at this point, but the masses are desperate for secular gods.

The rest of the headlines at newspapers, cable news sites, and blogs are dominated by awful behavior. Some of them even extoll and defend destructive things like the “hook up culture” as empowering women.

I do wonder when people will wake up to how society is swirling around the toilet bowl. Actually, it is more about if they will wake up. Most people do not want to deal or get involved with anything outside their narrow self interests.

It is sad to write what follows, but I will start with when I was younger I thought the majority of people were dangerously stupid. Teenage pride and arrogance fueled this assessment, giving way to a more adult and open minded viewpoint. Today, I find my teenage self to be correct due to overwhelming evidence. This saddens me greatly and makes me wish I were one with the masses in some ways. We are in this together whether or not we want to be.

There really is such a thing as knowing too much. News days like today really hammer that point home. Sigh. The headache I have is not helping.

Time to do some things to distract me from the world.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, our society is becoming more and more filled with selfish, nihilistic attitudes like this (Warning: disturbing):


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