
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bleach Ep. 18: Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami!

That classic trope of shounen anime has arrived: the dreaded training story arc. But do not expect the normal kind of training, for the mysterious Urahara has rather… unorthodox methods. Stripped of his spiritual power, can Ichigo get it back in time to rescue Rukia from Soul Society?

Bleach1 Main Title

Bleach 18 Title

Few episodes in Bleach veer so radically between comedy and seriousness as this one. There were times I felt I was suffering mental whiplash, but it certainly is not a boring entry in the series. With Ichigo accepting the offer from Urahara to get his powers back at the end of the last episode, it was pretty obvious we would get a mini-arc with a power up at the end of it. Oh how I dreaded it when first watching the show -- for they are the most boring things in anime to me.

Bleach 18 Ichigo BroodsBleach 18 Memory of Rukia Fades

Returning to school for the first time since Rukia was taken back to Soul Society, Ichigo broods constantly about her absence. Nobody else remembers her at all, which compounds the pain he feels. She haunts him to the point he visualizes her fading away like a ghost, which manages to inject some poignancy into the midst of the slapstick comedy involving his classmates.

Bleach 18 Orihime WondersBleach 18 Orihime Imitates Ichigo

Since it is the summer break, this is the last day of school and the teacher tells her students to just come back safely when it resumes. It is done comically, but it is still a wee bit ominous despite her knowing nothing about what is going on. Blink and you will miss it.

A big surprise awaits Ichigo after dismissal, when the usually very shy Orihime stops him to ask about Rukia. Even more surprising to the former substitute Soul Reaper is the fact that the redhead remembers everything that happened involving her brother’s attack. Their conversation is a highlight of the episode, especially her imitation of the stern boy.

Bleach 18 Rukia Argues with RenjiBleach 18 Rukia Broods

In Soul Society, another conversation takes place, but it is not nearly as much fun. Renji has decided to go argue with the imprisoned Rukia and the atmosphere is decidedly hostile. He’s rather shocked in the end to hear that she thinks her brother wants her dead. Always diminutive, Rukia looks smaller than ever in the bare cell. Despite the tart words, she appears defeated and fragile.

So where is all this training I have been fearing?

Bleach 18 Secret ChamberBleach 18 Unimpressed Ichigo

Ah, there it is. It turns out Urahara has a magical mini world under his shop to train in, complete with a virtual sky. Ichigo fails to be impressed and does his best young punk impersonation. Oh wait, he isn’t acting, he is a young punk. It is time for him to be taken down a peg or two. Step one involves knocking his soul free from his body.

Bleach 18 Urahara Starts LessonBleach 18 Ururu in Training Gear

Step two is more interesting. What better way to put him in his place than have him fight with a little girl. Um, what?!

Ururu is called over by a far too happy Urahara to fight the teenager. Her cute Mario World-like protective gear is far more cheerful than she is and it doesn’t look like she wants to do this. Lesson One will be completed when Ichigo successfully hits her on the head. Once again, Ichigo is unimpressed.

Bleach 18 Urahara Trolls IchigoBleach 18 Ichigo the Idiot

For his own safety, Ichigo is given his own protective gear, but has no clue on how to put it on. A quick display of superhuman power by the girl makes him realize he might just be in trouble.  Urahara gives advice from the sidelines that turns out to be epic level trolling in a funny bit.

Bleach 18 Ururu Gets AngryBleach 18 Ururu about to Own Ichigo

But when Ichigo misses with a punch and accidently cuts Ururu’s cheek, things go wrong. Now it is a fight for his life, not just to get his powers back. Meanwhile, events are moving along involving his friends without him knowing about it. A dire cliffhanger ends the episode with a desperate struggle to survive.


You have to wonder about the kind of instructor throws a little girl at you as an opponent. Urahara manages to become even more shady, which is a pretty amazing feat at this point. This is not the boring training montage I was expecting. It is both hilarious and sinister with never a dull moment. Watch for lots of little character moments throughout it involving Urahara’s employees.

Another thing to watch for is the large amount of ridiculous faces made by the cast. It would not be a surprise if the animators were having a contest with each other, but Kubo is also known for wild faces in the original manga. Chad gets a particularly awful one.

Also of interest is the relationship between the two main characters. While Ichigo never shows any direct romantic interest in anyone, the way he reacts to Rukia being gone seems to hint at deeper feelings than just friendship. He is all about protecting people close to him, yet here he acts like he has lost a part of himself. That and other subtle hints in the series should set off shippers’ alarms.

In the end Episode 18 is wildly uneven, but it somehow manages to work. I suppose that could be said about the entire series.







Bleach 18 Yoruichi SpeaksBleach 18 Uryu Freaks Out

In a world of evil spirits called Hollows, supernatural vigilantes called Soul Reapers, and magic wielding human Quincies, a talking cat is apparently the most startling thing out there. Yoruichi has shown up to train Chad and Orihime, but Chad and Uryu are completely freaked out by the feline. A pointed comment about only men having that issue stuck out like a sore thumb to me.

Bleach 18 Uryu's Mysterious Box

Acting like he did not care about Rukia revealed how secretive the last Quincy is. Then there is the mysterious box he opens in preparation for private training. Is it my imagination or did he visibly soften around Orihime?

Bleach 18 Bound Ichigo

The binding spell on Ichigo reminded me of the first episode when Rukia used one on him. I found the severed chain of life eating itself to be one of the creepiest concepts seen in the series and it makes for a great cliffhanger. I also think Urahara is something of a sadist.

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