
Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Blogger Referral Spammer: Pnarp

Yep, another one that has been around for awhile but keeps changing servers and countries. If you see any referrals from pnarp . com please do not click on them, there have been some reports of malware being automatically downloaded. Flicker users have also had problems with it in the past and other social media sites (Digg, Twitter, other blog services) have seen this joker show up too.

UPDATE 8-26-2012: 

Found another spammer, pregolom . com out of Russia. It does not appear to be related to pnarp, but it seems like there is a big uptick in referral spam lately.  It along with filmhill . com have been showing up in large numbers the past week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    That's the url the twits are trying to spam right now.


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