
Monday, July 23, 2012

Life or Something Approximating It

The past week was busy by my standards and this week looks to begin that way. Saturday and Sunday combined to make for a marathon run of events, so I am not feeling terribly good today. Two D&D sessions in a row contributed mightily to that, but at least we had one TPW (Total Party Wipeout). I did try to get the party killed in the first session, but the level five party managed to survive a mummy lord thanks to me and defeat a young adult green dragon that I attacked. He did have it coming after torturing my character, I must say.

I was rather surprised to be given the Diablo III Book of Cain hardcover by my friends hosting the second session. While I cannot yet afford the game, I always enjoyed the lore and storyline contained in the series which this book covers. It looks like it will be a fun read.

Right now my video gaming circle of real life friends is concentrating on Dungeon Defenders, a silly looking, but difficult game based on tower defense against waves of computer enemies. While the game was given to us as a gift by the ring leader, we have all sunk our own money into add-ons for it such as new characters, skins, and mission packs. It has been a pleasant surprise to find out how much fun it is to play and we are all leveling up multiple characters for it.

Church was good and one talk (sermon) covered the history of the Latter-day Saints in the southwest corner of Wisconsin. It was interesting to hear how come the local city of La Crosse, Wisconsin has a major street named Mormon Coulee Road, for instance. Everything else was good too and my class to teach ended up being abbreviated by sacrament meeting running long.  As tired as I was, that was probably a good thing!

It was also a good weekend for conversations. One thing I lament about the decline of our culture is the death of conversations caused by more people moving to social media and the accompanied decrease in attention spans. There is an art to conversing that still lives amongst older people that many should start learning. Once you do, you can go anywhere and talk with just about anyone at length all the while having fun.

It looks like the shootings in Aurora dampened the opening weekend of The Dark Knight Rises. Estimates are $160 million when $175,000,000 was expected. Giving in to fear is not a good thing and I actually spoke to people who were to afraid to go to the movie. Evil should not be allowed to triumph.

Also, the shooter has turned out to have described himself as “middle of the road” politically, so all those trying to pin it on the Tea Party have to be disappointed. It has gotten ridiculous how the media tries to connect the Tea Party to killers. He’s another lone whack job who would not have been out of place following the Joker. Maybe the media and pundits can start railing against those crazy moderates…

This was supposed to be a quick post, but Snooky the white cat decided she had to be held. So the mid morning post has become a noon time post. As I type, I have my new favorite meal of the day cooking in the rice cooker. Add a handful of frozen vegetables and one egg to one cup of rice while using a little less water than usual makes for a very tasty dish to cover one or two meals. It is like a more healthy version of fried rice.

There are few animes out there that I like that I do not own, so the news the Funimation is putting out a Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray set of C: Control – The Money of Soul and Possibility has made me very happy. It is another extremely intelligent commentary masquerading as an action series with a focus on economic manipulations. Visually it should be spectacular in 1080P, which will show of its unusual design style and mix of computer and traditional animation to its full benefit.

I have decided to collect all the Godzilla films starting with the earliest ones. Sadly, a very important one is long out of circulation and will force me to ante up at least $30 for a used one in the future. That is the important Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla DVD from 2004. Reclaiming one’s childhood is turning out to be pricier than I thought.

Now to hammer out the review I hoped to get up last Friday.


  1. You sound like so many of my friends! You are right about that dvd. $30 used on amazon.

  2. Sounds like you have quality friends...

    But seriously, the prices on some of those out of print DVD's are awful. That is $30 for a "lightly scratched" disc!

    At least I found Godzilla vs. Hedorah on eBay for $12, which is worth a gamble. That movie I saw as a kid under the name Godzilla vs the Smog Monster. Looks like I'll have to be patient on the others.


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