
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Health 7-18-2012

Not the best day, but far from the worst of late. Either allergies have kicked into overdrive or I have gotten a cold. Given how bleary I am, it is probably the latter. Despite the sniffles, I did go out to eat with my father.

Now that the antibiotics are done, I am free to wander in sunlight again. The past two days I have hiked up to the mailbox in high heat without too much trouble, though today took a small eternity.

One lingering side effect from the bout with Lyme Disease has been bad headaches accompanied by swelling along the fissure lines of the skull. While this happens with very bad cycles of CFS for me, it is different in that it never completely subsides. I am hoping this fades in time, since it is making listening to music, watching movies, and playing video games painful.

Maybe things will be better tomorrow.

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