
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Thoughts on the Scott Walker Win

What can be learned from the fiasco that was the recall effort?

First, the Democratic Party will do anything to win. There is no depth too low, no line that cannot be crossed, and no limit to their harassment/bullying. Locally in La Crosse County, brand new roofing nails were tossed into driveways of residences that had Walker signs up. Signs were stolen, vandalized, and I directly know of one renter who had her sign taken by her landlord and replaced with a Barrett one.

So much money, time, and emotions were invested by the unions and their puppets in the Democratic Party that things got more than a little out of control. The image of Barrett being slapped for conceding illustrates that in a way no words can. All of this rage only netted State Senate District 21 for the Democrats, which gives them control of the Senate. However, that will most likely end in November due to redistricting. I should note they got another seat to flip in earlier recall elections, so they got two. Unless there is a special session called, they will not even meet until after November.

Second, public employee unions are done as a dominating political force. Between this and California cities working on pension reform, the writing is on the wall. The inherent corruption of public workers paying money into union funds to back one political party is no longer being tolerated. Sadly, that is due to the bad economic circumstances we are in which are partially caused by said practice.

Third, conservatives can win if they focus on fiscal issues. It is the only glue holding the GOP together nationally (but not here in Minnesota, the party is bleeding out) and this election cycle is going to be all about economics. Yes, that is normally the case during a presidential election, but this time it matters more for we are collectively up against the brick wall right now.

Fourth, money matters. For the first time in a long time, the Republicans brought their A game to an election. We are used to being outspent by wide margins when up against Democrats, mainly due to union funding. The media and the left like to play the game that their candidates only have their campaign funds up against a vast right wing conspiracy, but they are the masters of PACs and other outside sources of help to campaigns. What has happened is that the Republicans have finally learned how the Dems do it and have copied it. That should be giving left wing strategists nightmares, but the other problem is that the big money that had been giving to the Democratic candidates has either changed over to the Republicans or are sitting out. This varies by region, of course and all the money seems to be going to the DFL here in Minnesota.

Finally, team Obama has to be worried now. Everything will have to break their way economically and world events wise in order to win. Blaming Bush for everything is no longer a magic card to be played for instant wins. The voters are going to vote their pocket books and I cannot foresee any way that situation will improve.

In the end, the voters spoke and they are tired of specious recall antics and seem to have rewarded Walker for saving their school systems.

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