
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Odds and Ends 6-16-2012

I have spent some time going back through old review posts and have done some minor editing to improve layout and add needed tags. Tagging is still underway, because I had previously thought of it in a master index way instead of how people actually use tags. If a tag is used to look up other posts, it is off of the post, not the side bar and I finally got that through my thick skull. New genre categories of science fiction, fantasy, comedy, and classics have been introduced to help with that.

One consequence of looking over the older reviews is finding the need to rewrite or update seven of them. In one case, that will require a newer and better DVD, but fortunately that will be under ten dollars to do.

Meanwhile, I am working on a couple of extensive movie reviews in the hopes of getting them both up before July 17. In complexity and depth they will be along the lines of the Universal movie reviews I did for Halloween. We will see if I pull it off by the deadline.

Anime TV series reviews will continue. Squid Girl Season One is nearly finished and with no season two set forthcoming will probably be the end of that. Bleach will end with season one’s completion and I doubt I will do episode reviews after that. Perhaps season reviews will follow, but that is iffy at best. Area 88 will be completed and Kimi ni Todoke will be done in its entirety. Fractale reviews will be revisited with HD captures and some revisions after I get the Blu-ray set.

I need to get my Mini-14 out and cleaned, pronto. We are heading out to the range for Fathers Day shooting and sighting in. Time to see if WPA 62 grain treats the Mini better than old Wolf ammo did. She still has scars from that brand.

Cheap backup eyeglasses arrived from an online vendor, Goggles4U. I should post about them in more detail. They work, but you do get what you pay for. At least I have a redundant set of glasses and a set of prescription sunglasses in case of emergency. The sunglasses may get used more, since I have days I am unable to wear contacts.

I’ve been playing League of Legends online with real life friends and have enjoyed it, though I am lousy at it. Time to concentrate on support since I get a lot of assists and hardly any kills. The champion chosen for that is Soraka, the unicorn girl. I despise unicorns, so I bought the skin that makes her a normal human. Yes, I really do not like unicorns.

Facebook will soon require a cellphone number attached to your account. Since I live in the country with no reception, that is pretty pointless for me and reinforces my ignoring the site.

After a decade of trying to get my hands on it, the soundtrack to Rune has been released as part of the Rune Classic release on Steam. It is a great game and worth playing despite its age. This is the trimmed down single player version with the full multiplayer included. For me, it was worth it for the soundtrack in OGG format alone, but has inspired me to dig up the old discs and install the full single player version. Human Head is trying to raise funds for Rune 2 so get out there and help them by buying this!

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