
Friday, June 22, 2012

Health 6-22-2012

I hate posting about my health. So on with it so I can be done with it.

It has not been a good week. The right bronchial has been suffering congestion and things morphed into a sore throat last night. The “rash” is most likely a spider bite with a bad reaction, which would explain the increased pain and muscle stiffness in the neck. Proving just how random my body can be, the left middle finger is swollen and painful in the outermost joint – for no perceivable reason.

Going out for pizza Wednesday night turned into an ordeal of having trouble breathing due to the congestion, though I haven’t ruled out a cascading reaction to the bite. At least I have been able to get some sleep the last two nights despite the pain. No walks this week and I am unhappy about it.

It looks nice out, wish I could enjoy it.


  1. I'm sorry, my friend! It's cliche to say, but hang in there!

  2. Thanks and right back at ya, I hope things smooth out for you.


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