
Saturday, April 07, 2012

For Easter

One of the lessons I have learned from the Savior is that at the heart of all good acts lies sacrifice. One must go beyond selfish wishes, or even the instinct of self preservation in order to do good. What a world we would have if everyone behaved that way, but alas, too many think of themselves above all others.

I am grateful for such a role model and messiah. Hopefully, I will continue learning at His feet and become a better man.

1 comment:

  1. Some people don't understand what a selfless act is. I'll give someone some money, or help them out, and they'll always want to 'pay me back.' They don't understand that they don't need to, and in fact I feel better that they don't. It just feels good to do the right thing and to be a positive representative of God in His earthly kingdom.

    Happy Easter! He Has Risen!


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